PDM Workgroup, & Working Copy (PDMWorks SolidWorks Add-in)




First of all, I would like people who use PDM Workgroup to come forward.


I have a small problem and I would like to know how the people who use PDM Workgroup work?

We used to use working copies for revisions:

When you put a plan in the vault, you put the revision A, and when you re-archive, you used the working copy by default, so it offered A+.

Problem: if you archive a version B, version A+ disappears!

So we end up with an obsolete part, a plan or an assembly in version A!

It is not possible to use the PDM to update a default file: it offers either a subsequent primary version (A => B) or an A+ working copy version that will be deleted later (so this corresponds more to a B- version than to an A+ version!).

So each time minor changes are archived, each part must be manually changed so that it does not put the next revision!


Now my problem :

Most of the files that are currently in the vault are in working copy (A+, B+, etc) but if we archive a subsequent primary version, the working copy will be deleted !

Is it possible with a macro to modify all the elements of the vault that are in working copy version for the previous primary version, and this without archiving the 7000 files again in this case !

Thank you to those who can give me some leads.




PDM Workgroup^ is an "old" software but I'll try to find you someone who can help you.

Well with the big bridges coming, it will probably take a little longer,


but stay online!



A workaround, to address your problem (if I understood it correctly), is to list the revisions starting with something other than A.

For example 0, A, B, C, D...

You must also set PDMW to create a default working copy.

Thus, at the 1st archive, the revision is 0+, and as long as we do not request the next primary revision, we remain on 0+.

When the document is finished, simply request the next primary revision, to have the document in revision A.


As for the "correction" of your database, it is possible (but advantageous) to correct it via a macro.

A developer may offer you a solution.

But be careful, it will become complicated to ask the publisher for support if your database crashes.

rballet 's answer is indeed the most appropriate: it is not possible to archive by default to the same revision, so you have to manually change the version each time you archive it!

For macro, there is no API in PDM Workgroup to change, modify, or increment revisions! So impossible!

Thank you.