SOldiworks curved palque drilling (cistern)


I am desperately looking for a solution to my problem.

I'm doing an end-of-studies internship in a small company that sells tanks (aquatank) and my job is to design the said tanks.)

I know the dimensions of the plates making up the tank, I know the spacing between each hole.

I first tried to make my holes with the drilling assistant, but when I did a part repetition to get the beginning of a bowl the holes didn't fall in front of them... in short, it was false.

I saw that there was a way to project the sketch, I tried it and it was worse, it lacked the vertical holes for the bolts.

In short, is it possible to take a rectangular plate, drill it and then bend it? and finally to repeat this piece to obtain a closed diameter?

because right now I'm a little lost and I really don't know how to make my tank...

Thanks in advance,

if I'm not clear I could put online tomorrow photos of the existing one,

Kind regards


See among others this tutorial from our friend @ manu

This will give you a good basis for your removal in matter



Yes, I don't really see what you're getting at. It would help if you put pictures of your need. After that, it still depends on which version of Solidwoks you are on because modifications have been made  to some sheet metal functions with its material removals.

I was on the site, I think you have to make a sheet metal ferrule and then unfold it then put your holes using the material removal function and then re-fold your part and there everything should be good...


It is clear that an image would help to better understand the problem.



Sorry I'm on solidworks 2016

The sheet metal of the tutorial is bent 360°, I have never used sheet metal.. Is it possible to partially fold it?

and with the odds

I hope it's more explicit for you now.

This part is wrong, the piercings are not at all as they should be (I did it with piercing assistant..) and when I do a rehearsal of the piece... The holes of the different plates are not aligned.

Thanks in advance!



you make a sketch with the Ø Int and then you convert it into sheet metal by giving the thickness and then the height of the piece by putting a k factor of 0.5. Then there you have the sheet metal piece and then you select an edge of the part and unfold it then put the holes and fold as in the attachments.

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I think I've found how to do it, thanks to the tutorial, and a youtube video.

I'll let you know before noon.

Thank you very much in any case!

Well I found how to fold and unfold the sheet metal.

I did however try to do a small removal of material on the unfolded then I fold the part and the removal of material disappears, in the function tree it appears grayed out and when I cancel the deletion it re-unfolds the part... weird:(


If it can help you, here is an example in sheet metal,

1-with unfold/ fold function.

2-Circular repetition.

Good luck.


I look at what happens.

See if it's right for you

see attached file SW 2012




It seems to me to be what I was looking for!

Thank you so much to all of you!

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pay attention to the side of your sheet length, you have to rate the length of the hanger in my opinion

look on my piece how I did it

@+ ;-)