Piercing that makes a body disappear


I'm in the process of designing a staircase in Colimaçon and I have a problem with the drilling of my inner shaft and my exterior stringer.

For the fixing of my steps I would like to drill the shaft but impossible to use a repetition driven by a curve for drilling, so I succeeded by doing them one by one, if anyone knows a technique I am interested.

I did the same technique for the external stringer and this time the parking makes my steps disappear completely (and do not make any drilling on the external stringers at the same time)

Thanks in advance!

I'm attaching the file to better understand my problem

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you have to change the area of action of your function

When you edit your drilling function:

At the very bottom of your tree you have: "area of action of the function"

you deselect "automatic" and you select only your outer stringer


I tried it too but it still doesn't work...

After a new try today, I just had to rebuild the part

Which version of SW are you in (2019 sp4 for me)


I'm on the same as you...

When you do your repetition by curve on the steps also apply on the stringer?

I just re-enabled your drilling function and rebuilt with CTRL-Q

I attach the file with the drilling function enabled

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I must have a configuration problem then, because I just edited the function, add a third hole between the two, and rebuilding it doesn't appear on my repeat

Surely in the options a box somewhere to uncheck

Here I create my piercings before my rehearsal, I do the test with a removal of material and a piercing, the piercing is repeated well on the turntables but not on the central tube, normal because I repeat the body, but suddenly the associated function on the body is not repeated. But if I do a second repetition with the same parameters by choosing the drill or remove function, I get an error message... I've been trying to find it for weeks and it's driving me crazy...  

I just saw that the piercing function you rebuilt is a hole that I did manually one by one and not a repetition.


What I don't understand is why, when I want to do this rehearsal, it doesn't let me select the face of the tube for the tangency, while it lets me do it for the repetition of the steps... in photo the error message


I just did the test, I can make my piercings repeat by a curve, using my first repetition functions, but by canceling my body repetition, so I tried to do a body repetition afterwards, and there again impossible to select the face of my tube as a tangency for my repetition, It seems that if a side is already used as a support for a repetition it is not possible to use it a second time


I didn't understand it like that.

Here's a last try that should be what you want.

I struggled a bit with the repeat options to get the holes to follow both the trajectory and the face, but it ended up working

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Thank you for your help!

But it's true that I don't understand why in the same repetition you can't use the body and function functions at the same time, and especially if you do a repetition with constant space so that if you do the same one again you have to fiddle around to get holes that fall in front of you...

I had made a ticket with Visiativ and even they hadn't managed to answer me.

Thank you again and good luck!

"I don't understand why in the same repetitions we can't use the body and function functions at the same time"

That's normal. You repeat either a field with the functions related to it, or a function that will propagate on a single field. The philosophy of the 2 rehearsals is not the same.

I admit that I don't often use the repetition per curve, so I don't master it well. I have to feel my way every time to get there.