
Hello everyone, do you have any particular peripherals (keyboard and mouse) to recommend to run Inventor.
just to know if a particular keyboard or a mouse would have changed your life ;-)

Thank you



A mouse with a few more well-configured bontons can save time, that's for sure.

I'm a fan of keyboard patches too.

In the revolutionary style, there are 3D mice from 3D connection (SpaceMouse or Space Navigator), but it doesn't suit everyone (I have one in a closet...), and it takes a pretty long time to adapt I think when you're used to the classic mouse to navigate in 3D.


I had a keyboard and mouse that was very basic when I was using... I don't remember too much, but I think the wheel was even useless (a thing based on F4+mouse movement to rotate and zoom)

In short, nothing too bad:)


Hello, no matter the equipment, generally we adapt rather than trying to adapt the equipment because it is too long and then on another computer we will not necessarily have the same equipment. 


Kind regards


Ps: I'm also a fan of shortcuts!



in 3D design, the 3D mouse brings a plus. After that, if you don't want to pay 90€ minimum for a mouse, you can shorten your keyboard. It works very well like that.

Personally I tested the 3D mouse it's good but you have to buy it from the beginning. When you've been used to doing it on the keyboard for a long time, it goes by itself.

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Personally I went from a sidewinder X7 from microsoft to a g502 from logitech that I highly recommend (90€ in the store)! The handling is instantaneous with many buttons.

The only downside is the roulette wheel much too sensitive but possibility of notching it...

For the keyboard I took a bluestork keyz#2 (about 40€) with a good press on the sides to use keyboard shortcuts.

And yes, comfort is important ;-)!

Have a nice day


I have everything as standard and it's fine thank you for your contribution ;-)