Forum myCAD

Permission to update the map design for the folder containing the map


I'm asking you because I can't add a file extension for a file data card to appear for a new file type. I want to add the word type with macro (.docm), so that they are handled in the same way as our word files without macro (.docx). I was able to assign a category without issue, but my .docm files don't have an associated data card. So I tried to add the .docm extension by editing a data map but I get an error "you are not allowed to save the map in this folder". I don't understand the problem and how to fix it. In the help, it says that "you must have permission to update the map design for the folder containing the map". How do I get this permission? Or is it in another place that we have to define the extensions that will take this or that data card?


Thank you for your help.


As an additional info, I am logged in as a PDM administrator to perform this operation. Would there be a management of rights to be done for the administrator as well?


You need to add the desired extensions to the file map.


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Thank you YP69, that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I add the .docm extension in the file card but the following error message does not allow me to save the change: "you do not have the right to save the map in this folder". I think there must be missing an access right for the administrator profile but I can't find how (the administrator doesn't have all the rights, he has to grant it himself!). I feel like I can't make any changes in the file cards (no matter how much the file card is changed, it seems like I don't have the rights).

Don't forget to add the .docm extensions in the file types managed by EPDM (File types: icon with a ? in the admin settings of the vault).

I switched to 2020 and I had to add the .sldedb extension to be able to manage the toolbox database in EPDM for example.

Thanks froussel, I did add the .docm type in the file types. The problem seems to be more of an access right to be able to modify the file card rather than the new type in question (since I get the same error message if I want to modify any thing of a file card/folder). I can't find in the rights allocated to the administrator if there is a checkbox like "allow the modification of maps".

most certainly a lack of rights in the administrative authorization of your user or user group



Hello, thank you for your remarks. I finally understood and solved the problem. In fact, I was logged in as an administrator in the admin tool, but I remained logged in as a user in the vault. Access to the "ADMIN" folder of the vault was therefore not accessible from my user session. I had to log in as an administrator at the vault level to make the change (and it wasn't that easy because of the automatic Windows->ePDM login).