Loss of appearance in solidworks animation


In a solidworks animation, I have my parts that lose their appearance in the animation. Has anyone ever had this problem?

The pieces turn gray, but if I click (select a face) the appearance returns, but disappears when the face is no longer selected.




Is RealView enabled?



A lead:

In the room, use the "check" tool, there may be a problem with a face, edge...

You can then find the source of the problem 


Hello, see this tutorial www.lynkoa.com/store/mycadfr/kb/solidworks/piece-assemblage-mise-en-plan/kb-axemble-10889.html



With or without real view, there is no difference.

I tested the "verify" tool, it's not conclusive either.

Other avenues?

Is the appearance at the level of the part or the assembly?

We should try at the level of the room (or maybe the other way around).


To follow this problem, it is a bug known by solidworks (response of the axemble hotline). There is a workaround that is really time-consuming and tedious to set up.


So no solutions for the moment.

So we have to wait for a fix for this problem.


I can confirm that this problem still remains. This animation module, if it gives a glimpse of many possibilities, is nevertheless full of problems and bugs. It is time for SolidWorks to focus on the real problems in its updates, which are for the moment mostly cosmetic
