Loss of appearance in cut view (multibody)


I'm working with the "multi-body part" method, and a bug persists in the appearances: when I apply both a material and a custom color to a body, the external appearance of the body matches the applied color, but when I do a section view, the color disappears and the part takes on a neutral appearance (basic appearance by default). The strangest thing is that, at times, the colors are clearly visible in cut view (when opening the file for example), but if I modify a function or rebuild the document, the bug comes back.

The "Apply Appearance" checkbox in the Material Edit menu has been unchecked. I am attaching to this question an image illustrating the problem. Below are the detailed steps:

1- Applying materials after creating bodies: bodies take on the default appearance of the material (while the "Apply appearance" box in the Materials menu is unchecked). 2- Modifying appearances: applying custom colors. 3- First section view: colors are visible. 4- Cutting view after rebuilding the document: the colors AND the default appearances of the materials are erased. 5- Removing the section view: the appearances are visible graphically but remain invisible in the tree.

I searched for how to fix the problem on several forums and help, without success. Thank you for your help!



I have already had a color problem on multi-body cuts and assembly machining where the color was different between 3D and plan.

I am interested in this subject because we have never really managed to solve this problem.

Part of the solution was to integrate the color on the body and not on the function, but that's already what is done there...

Do you only have one display state in your room?


What version are you in and can you share your file for us to take a look at?

To solve the problem, you need to apply the appearance to the function and the body, as in the example attached in the ZIP made with SolidWorks 2016

Hi all

Thank you for your answers!

@ Anthony R.: The color is indeed applied to the body and not to the function. Yes, I only have one display state.

@ ac cobra 427: I'm on the SOLIDWORKS Professional 2019 SP4.0 release. I'm attaching the file I created for the example.

Does this mean that with each new function applied to the body, the desired appearance must be applied again? I tried on my side, at first glance it doesn't solve the problem :'(



Have you been able to test by applying the appearance to the bodies and functions as it seems to work well.



I also have the same problem when I am in SW2018, it is part of the recurring problems of SW whatever the version and already reported.

So inevitably we tell you that the graphics card is too weak compared to SW. (what do you mean never SW???? :)'s fault)


I tried this solution again, it works halfway: the color appears on the outside of the bodies but the cut remains gray because when the section view is validated, the appearance assigned to the body in the Volume Body folder disappears.

Do you think it was a handling error or rather a software bug?

(PS: if I open the file, apply your method and directly make a section view, then the section is colored. But if I act on the 3D (reconstruction, modification...) then the section view becomes gray and I have to place the appearance on the bodies again).

Thank you for your help.



But yet in the attachment I made you it works?!?

I just saw my ZIP file was not passed, I will do it again and post it for you.

Here is the file made in SolidWorks 2016



Thanks for the file. I just opened it in my SW 2018 and indeed everything works fine. I looked for the cause of the problem that persisted in my file and, in fact, it only occurs when a material is applied to the body: if no materials are applied, the color of the body appears correctly for cut. However, as soon as a material is applied to the body, the body colour changes to the standard grey shade for cutting. This gray color also doesn't match the appearance of the material assigned to the body (with the "Apply Appearance" option enabled). Only the body is affected by this problem, the outer surfaces remain colored with the right color.

At this level, I imagine that it is a software bug. What do you think?

Thank you!


Do you have any other ideas for the solution?

Thank you:)