Loss of trimmings

Hello @ all,

Being currently on Solidworks 2013 sp2.0, a colleague has problems and we don't see how to fix it except to redo the views...

On his plan, he placed various cropped views (we draw vats, the cropped views are used to detail the stitching...) and dimensioned.


This morning, when opening the plan, the views are "integer", no option to edit the crop by right clicking, and a message forbidding to create a cropped view on it (because for SW it already exists....).


If you have already been victims of this type of problem and managed to get out of it without redoing the views, I would like to know how to proceed....


Thank you in advance,

How were the rognagnes made? Were they constrained in terms of sight?


Has the play changed since then?


Try re-trimming the old ribs to see if the trimming reappears.


Do scissors (trimming) appear in the Creation Tree?

Have you tried a right click from the view and from the creation tree?


Thank you for your feedback.... The approach was:


Top view

cut on the stitching

cropping the section view


The assembly has not changed since then, and by touching the sides nothing happens...


In the creation tree, no icon (I think because taken from a cross-sectional view), and moreover, no editing of the cropping in the tree either.

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Is it possible to have a composition to take away in ZIP of the plan and the room?

Otherwise, several solutions are proposed here:


To be tested!

Hello, sorry, can't send anything.....


Well after different searches, on google/qwant, different forums, we didn't find a way so views deleted and redone...


We tried the proposed solutions but nothing conclusive... I personally think that not having the SP 5 is a problem but never mind....


Thank you all the same for your feedback

Indeed, it is absolutely necessary to switch to SP5!

It doesn't change anything about SolidWorks and the configuration of the workstation, but it gives more stability!

Edit: and it's very simple to do, just connect to the SolidWorks site and download the update.