Loss of last changes

Hello community, I'm a new member! Help!!

Once again, I have a problem, I am very alone, no longer under a maintenance contract, and it is too expensive to update myself. I'm on SW 2014 SP4.

The problem is this: a sheet metal part has lost its last modifications. When it is loaded at the same time as the assembly of which it is a part, it has lost its last modifications. Very weird. Its save date is February 8, but its appearance is late January. The changes made between these two dates are lost. On February 8, she had all the modifications, it was good. This morning, I find his appearance at the end of January. Obsolete, therefore.

This pb has already happened to me once. I had to redo the lost edits.

Has anyone ever encountered this problem? That's crazy!

Thank you to whoever can enlighten me!

I'll ask another more general question, about the update of a SW 2014 which really causes me too much trouble (crash, big defects...).

Have a nice day



Have you enabled the automatic save of coins??? Look at your opinions and if not, look under c==>time if there is ever a backup of your piece...


Thank you ac Cobra. Yes, it's on, I'll go and see. But the anomaly remains unresolved, how can a file lose its last edits between two openings??

Maybe it's just a small bug that has been fixed on the SP5. See if you can find it on the net because it fixes all the bugs of the previous versions...



An idea, like that, that crosses my mind. Wouldn't you have savedkept your new piece in a different folder from the original one?

Which would mean that your original piece is still in the first folder... and therefore that potentially your assembly will always point to it?

If this is the case, you just have to manually rename your first part and solidworks will then ask you to go and repoint to the right file when opening the assembly:)


Hi Coin 37, thank you for your answer. Yes, it could have been that, but I searched the entire hard drive, no other part of the same name...

In the same assembly, something incredible happened to me a few days ago. The assembly no longer wanted to save itself, because one of its parts no longer wanted to save itself. Unable to save message. And, in the assemblage, the part in question was still visible, but absent from the tree. And the assembly had no errors indicated (red or orange).

I had to redo the part in question, and redo all the constraints which, suddenly, were no longer valid.

Full of m... That's how it is with my SW. You can't imagine how fed up I am with this crappy software. Incredible waste of time, irritation, sedative...

My config is fine, I showed my assembly to a SW "pro" who didn't find anything abnormal.

Good afternoon!

Here is the Sp05 in 64 bit to update you

Attachment removed because it may be illegal...


And here it is in 32 bit

Attachment removed because it may be illegal...


@ac, it's none of my business, but it seems to me that giving an SP5 to someone who was only under contract until SP4 is slightly illegal! Both for you and for him who may have problems if he controls his software.


I have always found this policy ridiculous. Software costs an arm and a leg and if our contract ends before the release date of SP5, we end up with unfinished software.

It's like buying a new car with all four flat tires.


I'm not saying the opposite.. @philippeB ... But it's still illegal ;-)


Oh ok, I didn't know!!! I thought that if we bought the license on it would be up to the SP5 because it is still part of the purchase for the 2014 version...

I remove them right away...


And yes, as a result, Camexaspere remains stuck in SW14 SP4, like me with my SW15 SP4, stuck with our bugs. It still feels like we're on a beta version. If you want a gold software, you still have to pay.

Selling a partially finished product at a high price, that's legal.


(A little rant on Monday morning, it's useless, but it feels good).



We'll try to focus on this data loss problem...

I don't think that the SP4->SP5 update changes anything about your problem.

I quite often have errors like "unable to save", we are happy, we don't know which file is causing the problem. It's a random error, I'd say more related to a network load problem than to SW.
Sometimes we have problems all day, sometimes nothing.

Our method: have the part that seems to be causing problems "registered under" a new name and then have it registered again under the right name.

When you say "On February 8th, she had all the modifications, it was good." Do you remember making the modifications, did you find a print? If it's a print (even pdf, it's the same), did you record the piece before making the print?


You may have been read-only when you last edited

I don't see any other reason...

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Many thanks to you who answered me! And especially to ac Cobra, but it's true that it would be illegal I think too! Smile.

Although, you have to find out, does the license agreement plan to limit itself to a certain level of updating? Because, even without maintenance, you are still entitled to use the software...

Can a software vendor refuse to update one of its products that includes... hidden defects??

It's true that everything that is software property benefits from laws that are apparently much more protective than those governing "physical" products.

Software companies should at least repair hidden defects free of charge.

After that, having to pay for performance improvements and additional functions is normal.

All those who are dissatisfied with this DS policy should regroup!

Good night

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Again, I answer Stefbeno. Thank you!

Yes, there were indeed modifications. I found this piece dated February 3rd, in the automatic saves. She was already with the edits, changes deleted in the February 8 file. Hallucinatory.

That's the big bug, we paid, it's one of the hidden defects.

So I used the renamed February 3 save, and I found my piece.

Working with this unfinished thing full of hidden defects, you can sometimes lose long hours.

Regards, Daniel.


Lynkoa asks me to close the question, but... I can't say that I've solved my problem, because it remains unsolved, despite the kindness of the people who answered me!

It's part of the mysteries of SW, bugs that they make fun of, pretending that they are number one!

Thank you all, we have to continue with SW and the lack of respect from DS...



An idea comes to me, do you back up your files on a seveur?

If so, you must have a daily backup of the latter and therefore you may be able to find the file of February 8th.



And by the greatest of chances, is it possible that you work with several people on the same piece.

because it is the last one who records who is right. If you modify a part that is opened in read-only mode by a colleague, you save, you close, your colleague takes over, he saves and closes when opening this is the part you will have.

may the force be with you.