Loss of network drives

After each Windows boot, my pc loses all network drives.
In order to overcome the problem I made a script.bat to reconnect all the network drives.
net use Z: /delete

net use Z:\Path /USER:nam mdp

It works great for windows explorer.
Small downside SW does not see any network drives before and after launching the script, so I have to reconnect the drives manually each time I start.
Have you ever encountered this problem?

Version SW2019 SP5

Thank you in advance for your participation

When you say "lose": the drive is still displayed but there is a red cross on the icon where everything disappears.

Depending on the day and the machine, I have the first version of the problem. I just have to click on the player and it reactivates it.
it was like me when we had a simple PC that served as a "server", we switched to a NAS and the problem still happens.

I hadn't thought of running a script, a simple BAT file that goes successively on the different drives could be enough, I'll have to test.

Hello, I have already encountered your problem on my old installation, I never solved it, it was not bothersome to work. A simple script running at startup is enough to overcome this problem.

In my case it was a problem installing windows service, the SMB-DIRECT pack was not installed, this is a problem for the network mapping .

Then, my shortcut on the desktop launch in administrator mode, so the mapping being done on my SW user account no longer see the network drives.

Problem solved

Thank you for your participation:)


Recurring problem of admins not managing domains on a network.
There is a small solution with a Batch file (the old-fashioned way).

All you need to do is create a TXT file that you'll rename with a .BAT extension at the end.
If you want it to launch every time you start it you move it to the folder c:\Users\Ton_non_de_session\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

In this file you put: 
net use * /delete /y    --> Deletes all drives to raz and avoid all conflicts
Net use 'Lettre_lecteur': \\'non-server or IP'\'folder path' /PERSISTENT:YES /y for each drive
for example you can have: NET USE Z: \\MYSERVER\STUDIES /PERSISTENT:YES /y
FYI: /PERSISTENT:YES is to make the drive permanent and /y to avoid asking you for confirmation for each line

And each time you restart , your drives are reconfigured.

