Loss of files from our library when opening an assembly in PDM offline mode

Hi all.

We encounter an issue when we go into "offline" mode in PDM.

Despite the fact that I have obtained the latest version of the LIBRARY folder (which contains
all our mechanical, electrical, pneumatic standards).
When we open an assembly of our machines, all the parts are present but none of the standards in our library open (and they are all deleted in the tree).

Do you have any idea what the problem is? or a setting to change in the PDM administration?
Thank you in advance for your answers


I don't have this problem on the 2022.
Several avenues:

  • Do you have cache flush settings on logout? (I don't have this on our trunk but I wonder if offline work is not considered a disconnection)

  • Did you check "show all files " in the group options?



No, there are no dump settings on logout on any of the folders in the vault.

The "show all files" option was unchecked.
I just ticked it off and after a test, the result is the same.

I'm drying, maybe see with the hotline.


If your library folder is set to sync when you log in and you don't clean the cache when you log out, you shouldn't have any problems.
Be careful, the cache options are managed by the group / user (so it's quite easy to end up with a group or a user with different settings):


Same result, I put these settings on the group and on the user.
I did notice that I got the latest versions of the entire library when I put it back online on the chest.
But the problem persists. Thank you for your answers.

Subsidiary question, which version of SW/PDM?

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Solidworks 2018 and PDM 2018

Sorry, way too old for me to remember if there were different settings at the time.

Paramétrage PDM
Paramétrage 2 PDM

it looks very similar to me

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The potential problems I see:
It's that your caching is faulty.
Check when you are online to see if you have the = icon on all the files in your library. If you have icons with ? or red clocks, it's normal for you to have problems.

Another option: you have fun putting the safe anywhere on the user workstations and you don't respect a strict identical formalism for the location of the safe.
As a result, the paths to the files vary depending on who saves the assembly. Normally this is solved as soon as you go to get a deleted file (you have to delete all the files though).

You don't have 2 chests in parallel (1 for your library and 1 for the coins)? If so, it's normal to have bugs with a mixed assembly (EPDM only manages access to one vault at a time, they consider those in the other vault as local files),