Small problem in solidworks BOM

Hi all 

I have an assembly of sheet metal parts and I would like to take out the nomenclature of this assembly with all the thicknesses, materials and the associated oxy-fuel drawing number. I managed to do that, but a small detail bothers me. When I ask solidworks to give me the list of welded parts in the bill of materials, it inserts it into a line just below. So when I try to sort my bill of materials according to thickness, I end up with only the lines of the welded parts (without the names of the parts). I'll put some pictures to understand the problem.

Does anyone have an idea? Thank you in advance.



It seems to me that this is a normal behavior since your welded construction is a part. You have to leave it like that and make a separate nomenclature for welded construction. What I do is I bring it back to the MEP and put it in mini Rikiki so that it is not seen and I click on it and make my welded construction nomenclature. If the welded construction and the 10 mark, for example in the welded construction nomenclature, I name the parts 10a - 10b etc. I'm attaching mine but it's not sure that it works, maybe we don't have the same links or maybe yours works 


 Hello ac cobra 427,

It turns out that my assembly is composed of about 150 parts including 80 sheet metal parts, so I would have liked a way to have the list of sheet metal parts in automatic without having to do it by hand one by one. But thank you anyway for your answer.

Well, as it will work automatically. You will have a nomenclature with everything and one for each welded construction.

In fact I may have misunderstood the question... The 2 screens you have in the post; can you put them in PJ because you can't see much in them..

Yes no worries, excuse me. I very rarely post on the forums.


And the Excel screen


Just in case; Are you up to date with MS? For Solidwoks 2015 and other older versions the SP5 and for 2016 the SP3; Maybe it's just a bug that has been fixed... It has already worked or a new nomenclature has been put in place???

It's the first time I've done this nomenclature, before one did everything in 2D the old way. Now I'm on the 2015 version I think, but in 2-3 weeks we'll switch to the most recent version. As said, my problem is not really a problem because I am not blocked in my work. I'll see if the new version will fix the problem. Thank you

I wonder if the problem doesn't come from the difference between the markers with periods in the name and the others with commas. To be seen...

Personally, when I always delete the "sheet" line in the nomenclature to avoid this kind of disappointment. (right click => delete line)


On the other hand, it requires you to fill in the properties of the 3D part (file => property)



 Yes coin37coin, I also found this technique but it requires you to do it for all the coins:(

A little advice: create room models!


You create an "empty" room in which you pre-fill the properties.

For example, next to "materials", you click on the box and select "Materials". For data like thickness, you need to know the name of the function... in general "Epaiseur@Tôlerie 1"


All you have to do is save as PartTemplates (.prtdot) in the directory of your part templates. And logically, it should be done by itself next time for the filling of the nomenclature.

All you have to do is remove the unwanted lines in the bill of materials and take advantage of this "automation"


Be careful, for the creation of your template, do it well without any creation of functions in the room. Otherwise, replace "sheet metal 1" with "sheet metal 2"

Similarly, check that when you create a sheet metal function, it is called "sheet metal 1" in the construction tree... or replace the name with the one that fits well in your properties

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Great coin37coin, I would have learned something today!

Thank you for your answers!

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