Populate multiple holes at once

Hello everyone,

Is there a possibility in an assembly, to "populate" several holes with screws at once?

Quite tedious to do one by one.. with 2 constraints each time!!

I have SW2016 standard without toolbox so

Thank you



You need to use sketch-driven body repetition, which will be much simpler :)

Or use the "copy with constraints" function



You must use the repetition driven by a function:


Or you can also use the "copy with constraints" function: 




Hello, personally I advise you to copy with the constraints, at least in case of modification your parts remain independent! Be careful, it is obviously depending on the case. If it's just screws, a function-driven repetition is suitable.

Good night.




I do it with equation, I do a repeat of 2 then double click on the repeat function and click on the number and put = then look for the repeat of the holes and double-click on it then click on the number and same for the spacing. Like this if you change in the room; assembly with the screws will follow.

like Azrod.

May the Force be with you 

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There, the ideal is Smart Fasteners!

If the holes are made with the drilling assistant, Smart Fastener recognises the Ø of the screws to be inserted and suggests what is needed.

To try imperatively!!



@ Alain ERP Smart Fastener ok it works

but it doesn't have a toolbox it specifies that it's in standard :-(


See these links for Smart Fastener



in addition to what has been said + high on the wire

or create smart components

you put down your screw

and she makes her holes all by herself and

if necessary embarked washers and nut and more if requested yes it's magic ;-)



Since we are talking about screws, it is repetition driven by a function.

On the other hand, it implies that the holes are made with the wizard for drilling (don't laugh, I still frequently find people who do a simple removal of material by extrusion to make screw holes) and/or there is a repetition.

Hello everyone,


Thank you for your answers

So I'm going to try the repetition driven by a function and also driven by a sketch, depending on the case

And I'm one of those people who make holes with material removals, especially on my turntables which come from a collection of 2D blocks :-(

So I would have problems at this level

Have a nice day



A little trick for repetition by a sketch: don't put a dot on the first instance (so n-1 points as opposed to the classic repetition where the number of instances includes the origin).

I understand your problem if you have recovered 2D sketches just extruded, it will indeed be the easiest to make a sketch in the assembly to make the repetition.

Otherwise, copying with the constraints suggested by PL is convenient for placing the first component of a series.

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