Can an easm document be converted to STEP or IGES format?

Hello, I got a client's file in easm format but I can't use it.

Would it be possible to convert it to STEP or IGES format in order to work under Slw?



Normally you can open an edrawing  under SW and convert it to a live STEP via the Save As command.


EDIT: I just checked and it is necessary, to perform an Edrawing file conversion to STL, that the creator of the file has checked this option: allow export... (see attached file).



too late ;-) Well done @ Jose

See this link also


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Thanks, I checked the option, but after conversion, the construction tree is lost and the conversion is purely graphic. Couldn't find solid.

This is normal since the conversion transforms the solids into the surface to be used in STL format which is a format used in stereolhitography... So no need for solid in this case.

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I have a question on the subject,

How do you open an EASM with SW 16 I have a message telling me invalid format.

May the force be with you.


Your easm must come from a SW2017.

To open it you need SW2017

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Hello @ pascal,

If  I understand correctly it's not possible to open an EASM before SW 2017.

may the force be with you.




What I wanted to say (a little too quickly) is that the easms follow the solidworks versions.

Therefore, you can only open an easm version 2017 with an SW2017 or later.

To indicate that the version is not the right one, the error message (very clear) is the one you get: invalid format