Can I set a default printer?

Can I set a default printer in SW?

Good evening @Mickael_guelt 

The default printer is set in the workstation's Windows. and not in SW.

If you use multiple printers in your company, you can either choose one by default and if you use more than one, you can select a printer other than the default one you have voluntarily chosen.

Kind regards

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My problem is that our IT department has grouped the printers on a server. They no longer have the same name.

And when I open old drawings, SW takes the last printer used, which is the one with the obsolete name. And it no longer exists.

Kind regards.

Do you know the name of the printers on the server


Yes. But it's the fact of doing the manipulation (choice of the new printer) for each print that is painful.

Are you on EPDM to make it like this?



No no. The old name was Photocopieur BE. the new \\GI814679\Server photocopier (See P.j.).

And so when I want to print an old plan without going through the choice of printer, SW takes by default the last printer used for the plan in question, namely "BE photocopier" but it is no longer operational because the printer has changed its name.


Hi @Mickael_guelt,

I have exactly the same problem!

The last printer used with the document is saved at the same time as the document, and I can't find out how to do it otherwise.

Do you still have the old one in your peripherals ?


It's strange, I just opened an old plan and it automatically offers me my standard printer. (Solidworks 2018 sp5)


Otherwise you'd have to go through a macro I guess, but it doesn' t seem logical to me.

Another detail, the old printer has even been removed from the peripherals.


You should look at the layout settings (see attached image), if the line named "Use the settings of this document" is not checked

If this is the case, prefer the 1st line "use system settings"

this will have the effect of using the default printer on your Windows system


Kind regards.

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I clicked too quickly as my best answer...

I thought it was good: the right printer is always chosen but it now prints everything in A4...


You should also check if you still have traces of your old printer in the keys of the registry related to solidworks, for example:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\Solidworks 20xx\Page\Printers

Kind regards

If I'm not talking, this option uses the last print setting in SW: if your last print is in A3, the next time it will remember the format, orientation, etc...

If you want to configure the printing according to the format, you will have to go through the 2nd line option and save the parameter each time by creating a template. DRWDOT for each format.

If you are already working with several templates depending on the format, simply modify the . DRWDOT


Kind regards.


However, I have no trace of the old name. and still have the bug.



The models are good. I don't have the problem with the new drawings. It is on the old ones (or those from copies and we use copies a lot) that it is presented.

I don't see too many solutions except to switch to the "use system settings" option in order to have your current printer with the disadvantage of choosing the format every time it changes (for my part, I try to print all the A4s in a row, then A3, etc...)

otherwise use the 2nd option which saves the last print setting and remember to save your .slddrw file for the next time (or for future copies)

After that, there is the possibility to use Powerprint (in Mycadtools if you have it) and configure the printing according to the formats to then print in bulk.


Kind regards.