Can we open a . AI with Solidworks?



I would have liked to know if it was possible to read a . AI with solidworks, in order to create a 2D DWG-like file? Or do I have to use software such as Adobe Illustrator? 


Thank you in advance


To my knowledge, this is not possible without having Illustrator installed on the computer.

On the other hand, you can use free converters, such as one of these:

Or online:


Indeed, after trying several solutions with my graphic designer ... we have abandoned the idea of reading the AI directly on Solidworks.

If it's to put an appearance, ask him to create a JPEG for you instead (and in general he complains because it makes him more work ^^)


.PL said it all.

" To import an Adobe Illustrator file into SolidWorks, CS3 or later must be installed on your system."

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@coincoin, no more work? .... it's just an export to do like saving a word in pdf..... I think your graphic designer is screwing you a little to go from AI to jpg

On the other hand yes to go to DXF it must respect the scale and the .... it's a little more complicated for the tracks

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With the same problem, our graphic designers generate DXF for us in Adobe Illustrator and it's rolling.

(well, to manipulate it initially, in a SW sketch, it is better to create a block)


for their part, they are delighted when we generate AI for them.