Can a word document be linked in the properties of a sketch?


There you go, I'm making a profile database on Solidworks. (creation of sketches according to standards for mechanically welded parts). For this I have a word document per profile showing the dimensional standards of each.
I would like to put this document in the sketch properties so that every user can click on it to open this document if they want to view it.

Is this possible? Thanks in advance



What does your Word file look like?


Can't you insert a note with a copy paste of your word?


Do you have EPDM? Because it would be easily doable via this software

Personally, for the profile base, I'll do it with excel


See this link

In fact, my goal is to put a hyperlink in the properties of the sketch so that in one click I can open my Word file (Datasheet)


There is the solution to use the Conseption workbook in which you can drag and drop WORL, Excel or PDF documents.

Kind regards.



Thank you OBI WAN it's a solution I didn't know. But after trying, this weighs down my file too much. ( 213KB to 1930 KB )

And by inserting a hyperlink?


For everything standardized, I use the LOCALHELP utility (from the mycadtools suite).

This adds a tab (to the right) in SolidWorks and will point to different files (pdf, Words, Excel,......)  of our network, all accessible with a single click from SolidWorks.


The proof in pictures here:



@flegendre, so the utility adapts the files made available according to the open room?

Thank you all for your answers, which allowed me to learn different ways to solve this problem. But even after contact with CADWARE, no solution would be possible to meet my expectations.

Thank you and see you soon:)


What you need is what Aurélien explained:
You can insert a hypertext link to a web page (basic link) but you can also point to any file stored on your network (that's what you want if I understood correctly)

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