Part/Assembly delete reappears

I had to switch from windows XP to windows 7  last week due to computer problems (grrr) ... and as a result, some problems with Solidworks since then.

Among other things, in some assemblies, when I delete a part, it reappears immediately. Which is not practical for the configs. And where it gets funny is that it doesn't do it with all the pieces.


Let's say you want to delete the 2nd room, it reappears immediately. Whereas if I delete the 3rd one, it remains deleted.


Some ways to solve this rather irritating problem?


For your information, I'm on solidworks 2011 and didn't have this problem before

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Hi, you have to see if you have the graphics card drivers up to date:

Otherwise see my tutorial to reset the SolidWorks settings:



Do you have the latest SolidWorks 2011 SP? SP5?

Otherwise, a CTRL Q makes the drawing appear correctly after this kind of bug in general.


Hi coin37coin

yes @PL's answer is surely the walkthrough 

see your graphics card and test a new driver for SW 2011 on the SW website

also look at your windaube 7 version is in 32 or 64 bit

@+ ;-)

I never think about these driver stories ... I'll see if that's it (but still) and I'll tell you again.

Thanks for the memo:D

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Do you have the latest SolidWorks 2011 SP? SP5?

Otherwise, a CTRL Q makes the drawing appear correctly after this kind of bug in general.

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Yes, logically I have the right one.


But anyway, way too many problems with my station for a few days (untimely restart, display problems, etc) ... and who are not necessarily related to Solidworks.

So, I passed the baby on to my info service and I took it very hard for change soon 

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