Part not visible


I just installed the latest version of Solidworks on my PC, and I have a problem displaying parts. After extrusion and if the Bossing/Extrusion element is not selected, the part is not visible, only a shaded "background" appears (see image 1). Now if I select the boss/extrusion element, I see the contours of my part (image2). But in no case can I visualize the volume of this room. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the software 3 times. The 1st time I installed it, it worked but I had to change a setting without knowing it and impossible to go back to the default settings (already reset 2 times). FYI, I installed Solidworks on another much less powerful PX and the display is OK. I admit that I don't know what to do anymore. The graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 7560D. Thank you for your help.

See you soon



If you right-click on the extrusion function, can you make it go up? Because it happens that we right-click and hide at least for me when I want to do things too quickly :-)

The hide/show function does not change the visual aspect of the display

In fact, my problem is not a problem related to a particular file. Any new part created has the same visual problem

Have you attempted a Solidworks restoration ?

I uninstalled and reinstalled Solidworks 3 times, (with deletion of the registry). I also tried to restore the settings from the PC on which I don't have display problems.... nothing has done

Do you have the same configurations on both PCs? Have you looked at the graphics card updates?

See this link among othersèces


The graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 7560D integrated card. It is up to date, but may not be compatible with Solidworks?

@jean-marc joubert_1

can we have the complete configuration of the PC 

Proc graphics card RAM version Windaube / Solidworks


A reset of the SW options in the registry is often a classic recourse to try.
=> cmd > regedit

But hey... Be careful, it's dangerous:)