Part that does not appear in the preview window



I have a problem with a part (in display state 6 ???) that does not appear when I ask for a preview window.

In the SW window, this room has bluish outlines that the other rooms do not have. Obviously this comes from this display state 6. How do I go back to display state 1?


Thank you for your help



The blue contours are open contours, this actually indicates that your part is surfacing, this is probably the source of your problem.


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It is a piece of rolled sheet metal....


Yes, same remark as mick, the part has no thickness at the level of the cylinder and therefore the rendering is invisible.

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Perhaps, the outlines in blue indicate open surfaces.

Open your room, and look in the tree you will find a surface horn.


no I don't understand... See P.J


However, we can see a surface body in your tree, see attached piece!!

One of your functions to may create a geometric error that creates this surface.

I advise you to use the recovery bar to see when your volume body becomes a surface.


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indeed Mick I have this surface that appears when folding... I don't understand because I have a similar room where this surface function does not appear (P.J)


Yes, there is no reason for bending to generate a surface.

It's either a bug or a configuration problem (sheet metal parameter, geometry that crosses...), unfortunately, without the file, I'll have a hard time telling you more. 


here is the piece... thank you for your help



Which version of solidworks do you have?

I think it's simply a bug related to your SP.

it's SW Premium 2015 - SP5

Well my SW closed unexpectedly..... and   HHHooo miracle the rendering is back to normal....


it is impossible to understand it.....


Well my SW closed unexpectedly..... and   HHHooo miracle the rendering is back to normal....


it is impossible to understand it.....

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Weird, weird...

Nice rendering in any case

As mick says

superb rendering bravo

Out of pure curiosity I know it's a nasty flaw but I like to learn and understand

What is this machine for?

thank you @+