Reference part DRAWING

Hello LynkoaMyCADbyvisiativ community,

I'm on SW2019 and I have a drawing with several parts .sldprt .
I retrieve the properties of the part to display the information in my cartridge (designation, material, etc...).
According to my tests, the cartridge displays the properties of the 1st part inserted in the sheet.
Now, I would like my title block to display the properties of another part in my sheet.

  • First of all, do you know if it is possible to know which "view" or "part" is the reference of my cartridge?
  • If so, is it possible to change the cartridge/view link with another view? I tried to drag a view in the construction tree to position it at the highest level under the background plan but it doesn't work...
    The only solution I found is to delete all the views and put the "reference" part back in the 1st view of the plan... Well now that I know, I'll anticipate... But on existing plans with a lot of views, it's problematic to redo the plan for that...

Thank you for your help :upside_down_face:

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Hello nicolas
Right-click on the >property sheet >at the bottom of the window on the left, you will find what you need


Great thank you! :star_struck:

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