Symmetrical and "fromparent+" part



After creating a symmetrical part keeping some links, including custom properties, I have a "fromparent+" prefix in the symmetrical part's custom properties. There is no point in removing them because this prefix comes back every time they are regenerated!! These properties being used in the drawing block, this is disturbing....


How to break the link?

Attached is the screenshot


When creating the symmetric part, you must uncheck the retrieval of custom properties.


Ideally, this checkbox should be unchecked when creating the Symmetrical part. Because by editing the symmetrical part and unchecking this box, under SW2014, there is a bug: it is possible, and this is random, that even unchecked the "fromparent+" remains !!!


Is it possible to break the link afterwards?


Yes it's possible, you have to list the external references, then break everything:


Just try to edit your symmetry function (see image).

In my case, the "Custom properties" option unchecks itself when editing the function. If this is not the case, uncheck this option manually and confirm.

In the worst case, the properties remain. Delete them one last time, but you should not be bothered about the treated part afterwards.
