Hello, I have a problem with solidworks 2022 3D assemblies, some detail parts do not appear or even all parts do not appear? I have to open each part of the assembly, then have it removed and put back in the detail part, rebuild and save, so that the parts appear again!! and this manip is to be done every time an assembly is opened, if you have any info on the subject, it would be super cool!! Thank you
I also have this problem with 2022/SP5. This had never happened to me with the 2021
On 1 precise assembly or all assemblies? A screenshot to show the problem?
It's not easy to answer without a minimum of information.
Problem of non-compatible graphics card or other to see according to symptom.
Probably a graphics card problem (driver)?
Are you opening your assembly in solved or light?
The "Improved graphics performance..." in the Performance menu is checked?
If so, what happens if you unwrap this option?
What does the Solidworks RX diagnostic say?
Are your "invisible" components from a library? Are they read-only? In a lower version of Solidworks? Are these "Solidworks" or imported components (STEP, IGES...)
So many questions...
Note for the administration of the Forum: You really need to start thinking about making an "FAQ" for this type of ultra-frequent and recurring problems...
Kind regards.