Repeat management by table on excel


Is it possible to drive a table repeat function using Excel?

Thank you.


I do not believe that this is possible.

Do you mean a repetition in a room or in an assembly?

Why do you want to control it by excel?

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It depends on how well you want to fly it.

If it's varying the parameters of a linear repetition, it's possible and "simple".

On the other hand, if the idea is to enter coordinates of points of occurrence in the Excel table, it's much more complicated!! You have to go through a macro and master the subject!



All you have to do is use an external file (see screenshot).

You can import a solidworks fiormat or txt.

The txt is probably arranged like the .csv (i.e. text separated by tabs or a special character (usually the comma)).

From Excel du must be able to do what it takes to create an output file that can be read directly by SolidWorks.

It's up to you ;-)
