Stress Driver in Motion Study


I'm desperately trying to figure out how the constraint pilot works in motion study. I have two doors that I would like to open simultaneously between two tracking shots. I'm using the angle constraint driver, but there are strange things going on in my stress study. I found this page but following the instructions it doesn't work...

Thanks in advance;)

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We should be sure that we are talking about the same thing. ;-)

The link you give is related to the motion study which has its own logic which has nothing to do with the "constraint pilot" function.

However, it must be said that in "movement study" we don't use the same term. This is  called "Using constraints in animations".


Kind regards

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Or, as @Zozo_mp says, the Constraint Pilot is a function that allows you to make animations quickly and well done provided you have set appropriate constraints (Limit Angle, Limit Distance, Trajectory, ...).
With the Study of Movement, you are much freer to create your own animations, but it's a little more laborious. You have to act on the keys, put them on a chronogram and for example put a key to have an angle of 0° and then a little later another key on the same constraint with an angle of 90°.
An animation will then be created between the 2 keys, the angle evolving from 0° to 90°. There is a tutorial in SolidWorks about animations with the Motion Study.


I would have to add an animation in the motion study with a change of angle of two doors simultaneously. so from 0 to 135° approximately. I hope not to confuse them.

Hello Lionel,

I'll let @ Aliende answer you because he masters movement study better than me.  ;-)

Kind regards

Very well thank you for your help^^

I followed Zozo's link but the animation is jeopardized and the door opens in a non-linear way. Normally it increases by -9° every 0.1sec but it goes from 90-9 to 90-50 to 90-18...etc.

Here is the tutorial to do in SolidWorks to understand Motion Study Animation:

Uh!  well! my dear Aliende, you haven't forgotten the link to the tutorial by chance?  


Kind regards

I found it no worries^^

Here's what the animation gives me as a rendering 

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And here is my tree structure

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Aliende have you downloaded the video? My animation is good, at least I think but the animation jerks and is not at all smooth

@lionel.bernardi381, it's good you learned quickly!

The video is very big I think for a simple door that closes.
You can also frame better according to the SolidWorks graphics window.

But it's a good start!

@lionel.bernardi381, it's clear that for a 2-second video, it's very big.

You have to look at the options when putting the video on it. There are different format options available.
And in the Study of Movement, frame the assembly well at the beginning; he is too far away; So better zoom around the door.

Zozo_mp, it's the tutorials built into SolidWorks; I can't make a link, only show what tutorial it is with an image.

Otherwise, the path to access the tutorials (SW18 version):

Welcome to SolidWorks / Learn / Tutorial

Whether the video is in 7.5fps or 60fps, the opening of the door bugs in the same way, and as far as the quality is concerned, I am in 1080p. I don't think the bug comes from the file size because even in solidworks the animation bugs in the motion study in preview. I just tried and the change in quality doesn't solve anything. The video is slowed down this time.


I'm starting to lose track of Solidworks, could someone explain this to me? I go from 6sec to 6.02sec and I start again. My door changes position while the weather is the same?



After a few calls with the hotline, the problem would come from Solidworks. It would be a bug. So all we have to do is wait for it to be resolved in the next updates.

Thank you for your help.