Mandatory constraint pilot


Is it possible when the constraint driver exists in an assembly, to prohibit movements by selecting parts in the 3D view to force the use of the constraint driver?

Good evening@meca

I'm not sure I understood the end when you say "" to prohibit movements by selecting parts in the 3D view to force the use of the constraint driver? ""

Can you give us an example because from my experience when you block a part it blocks a little bit on the "shit" mode a little bit everything.

As I do a lot of kinematics, what I do is to create  targeted constraints that I call temporary that prevent movement on a part. And then you just have to  "delete" or "cancel the delete" depending on what you want to do next.

Tell me if this is your idea ;-)

Kind regards


The idea is to be able to move the model only by the constraint pilot.

I think that's the solution I propose above

I can help you if you need

Kind regards

Thank you.

I finally found, it's very simple, just uncheck:

System option -> Assemblies -> Move components by dragging them.

It's a shame that it's an option of the system and not of the document.


Hello Meca

Can you help us in turn by specifying what it does best with this option.

In my version this option was checked which means that I may never have encountered your problem ;-)

Kind regards

For example, in an assembly, a part moves in X and Y with respect to another part that rotates around an axis. All movements are independent and managed by limit constraints . By using the stress driver one can perform a movement on one axis independently of the others. If you drag a part in the 3D view, it is almost impossible to move on one axis without  moving it on another. Blocking the "drag parts" action in the 3D view requires the use of the constraint driver and avoids untimely movements.

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Good evening mecha

A big thank you, we had to find that one

Yes, I remember now, it seems to me that it was a new feature for 2018 that I found very useful. After that I didn't pay attention to it anymore ;-)

What I like is the use of the trihedron to place the constraints since you can see them as you move. This avoids trial and error.

Here's what the online help says!

Kind regards

PS: in case you don't know this one. It prevents the pushed object from moving, unlike the old versions where everything moved in all directions.