Countersunk Screw Placement in the Toolbox


When I place countersunk screws from the toolbox, the first one is positioned correctly but the others tend to turn over and I don't know how to position them correctly every time

Is there a trick to position it correctly ?


Thank you.

Hello Pascal,

Indeed it's a bug that has already existed for a long time.

For your example, insert your first screw then you use the function "component repetition driven by a repetition", there in your example you have an existing repetition on a green part.

And that's it; Kind regards.



Thank you

It's not a repetition, there are holes elsewhere than in the alignment, on the other hand I added a sketch (in spruce on the attached screenshot) with dots at each screw position and I used "component repetition driven by a sketch" and it does it well.

But this being said, thank you for your answer, it would indeed have worked with a repetition driven by another repetition

If the bug has been known for a long time, it would be time for the devs to get on it... Before making improvements every year, let them start fixing bugs, it would be the least they could do. :-)

Have a nice day.


Good evening

Indeed with a piloted sketch it works, but be careful a piloted sketch also makes the function bug.

The best then is to make a drilling function by dimensioning all the holes, there it should do it with less risk of bug...@+.

Good night.


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