Inclined plane


I would like to make an inclined plane on a curved surface. How to do it

I'm using SolidWorks 2018

Thank you in advance

VIAN Gilbert


The trick is to know if you want the inclined plane above the curved surface without touching it, or if you want to remove material from the curved surface.

What we can say, given the little information about the inclined plane itself, is that it is enough to make a plane at the desired inclination with the "Plan" function and then to remove material from a sketch drawn on the plan, Be an extrusion from the same sketch.

Just tell us a little more:

1°) On the nature of the inclined plane

2°) We assume that you know how to draw a plane at any angle and in any position. If not, let us know and we will show you how to do it quickly and easily.

Kind regards

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Can you put us a screen print of what you would like to have?

Hello @AC cobra

I think it's better for him to do a freehand drawing and a scan of his drawing. Because if I understood he doesn't know how to do it so it's difficult to do the AMHA  screen print :-)

Hello @ Gilbert

I suggest that you proceed as follows.

The idea is to have two horizontal lines that will serve as a reference hook to a plane (plane that will be inclined).
From this inclined plane you can create a sketch to make your inclined piece.

If your part already exists, then you can constrain it on the inclined plane.

If it's not clear I'll make you a mini tutorial in time-lapes.


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With the snipping tool it should do it and some annotations. ^_^

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See this tutorial among others

This defines how to make a shot on a complex curved surface (an egg)

Happy reading 

@+ ;-)


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