Task Scheduler

Hi all

I am turning to you, because I need to change the value of a custom property in a large number of rooms.

So I use the SW task scheduler, it works perfectly except that...

My part model has a "customer" property in the main properties, but also in the configuration-specific properties... And that's where the tragedy lies.

The scheduler only changes the value, only in the main properties, I am left with false information in the configuration-specific properties.

I couldn't find anything in the planner, anyone would have a solution. Because given the number of pieces, I think I'll take a rope if I have to do it at the mimine.

Thank you for your feedback.


Hello Rémi,

This solution exists with the "BatchProperties" or "Integration" tools of myCADtools (myCADservices subscription at Visiativ)

Kind regards




If I look at your profile, you are subscribed to the MyCadService offer and therefore to the MyCADTools tools in which you will find bulk processing applications such as BatchProperties or Integration.



Thank you for directing me to the batchproperties utility, but I just used it (for the first time so maybe badly...) but that doesn't change my problem.

Configuration-specific properties don't change.

Small clarification (I don't know if it's important) I'm on EPDM

Thank you

It's okay I found...

Thanks to acombier and Coyote for directing me to the BatchProperties utility.

In fact there is a small "option" button that I hadn't seen in which you  can select the configurations you want to update.

Thanks again

