Plantage SW2014


since yesterday I have a lot of crash problems on SW2014, Am I the only one?


Whether it's for a part, an assembly or a sketch edition in an assembly of 2 parts (there would be 1000 parts I will question my PC but there...)




Did you make a particular change? SW Driver Options?

Have you been working on a particular part / assembly since yesterday?



Have you installed a new software recently?

We were also forced to update our drivers from 2013 to 2014 for the graphics card.

If you haven't already done so, start there, it has solved everything for us:)

It's spring, it's time to plant!

Well I'm going out...


Hi Lucas

No, nothing in particular, I draw a simple drinking glass and I make a plastic support for it. Not enough to push granny into the nettles.

No update since last week neither sw nor windows nor driver.


moreover, the message does not say what is at stake!!!


Since yesterday the SP3 is available for update.

We had problems with crashes when creating and modifying 3D sketches. Apparently a known problem according to the support and solved with the SP3.

It would be interesting to know how to solve this problem.

Have a nice day.

To see if the drivers are up to date and certified:

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@ josé the drivers were last week and it had solved my problems. And I had a message telling me that I had a graphic problem.


Go to your event observer, click on application and make a screen print of the error in question.

Here is a screen print


@Bart, here's the screenshot


We should see the details of the errors of 1043:42 and 10:43:53.

OK. We had no message us :/


Failed application name DXP.EXE, version:, timestamp: 0x518ba56f
Failed Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll, Version: 6.1.7601.18229, Timestamp: 0x51fb1116
Exception Code: 0x0eedfade
Error Offset: 0x0000c41f
Failed process ID: 0x54c
Failed application start time: 0x01cf594ff70a5611


I don't know what DXP is!!


otherwise yesterday:

Failed application name sldworks.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x52d1bec6
Failed Module Name: ntdll.dll, Version: 6.1.7601.18247, Timestamp: 0x521eaf24
Exception Code: 0xc0000374
Error Offset: 0x00000000000c4102
Failed process ID: 0x28f0
Faulty application start time: 0x01cf58c2e1543f63



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Graphics driver error.


Go to the Solidworks portal, and download the drivers adapted to your workstation and your version of solidworks.




I already did this last week, so either it is modified by itself or there is a bug 

I just downloaded the SW2014SP3 to see if it will help me


The "Kernelbase.dll" dll is used to manage the rendering of an image. whether it's on internet explorer, or another software (like Solidworks)


If Kernelbase.dll crashes, it's because either the dll is misconfigured, and in this case, it doesn't use the graphics card to manage this rendering, but the software itself.


You can find it as a free download, but I'll look at the configuration of this already installed dll...


Look in your Solidworks options in the Performance tab. as well as in the software that serves as your browser, to adjust the rendering mode.



A small link that can help:

Well following an exchange with the maintenance the automatic update made me go from the 331 to the 335 not compatible with sw vue ans rx 


The decision is made, I change my card and I take bigger. I ordered a k2000