Transition crease, a problem in broken manufacturing


I try to have the developed with the different bend lines of a shape.

I created two parallel planes, each with an open profile sketch: a circle for one and a broken rectangle at each corner for the other.

I select Sheet Metal / Transition Fold, the Broken manufacturing method and validate my two sketches.

When validating my parameters an error appears: "the function could not be created because it will create an intersecting geometry". No matter how much I change the different options offered, I can't fix this problem.

Could you help me?

Thank you.


(I attach the piece to this message)


You have to be careful where you click, you have to click in more or less the same place on each profile to link them

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Yes, I make sure to click on one of the endpoints of each of the open profiles.

Your cut-out is not centered but it works for me in 2019 (see video):


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Indeed it works by doing the same way you do.

My mistake was to click on the endpoints (as explained here: ). By clicking a segment of the first sketch and the circular part in front of it of the second, it works.

Thank you for your help, have a good day.

Super! Glad it works ;-)

Have a good day too@Stec