Square tube and rectangular tube bending


Please help me to know the dimensions below, for the square tube laser cutting, 



Attached is another view



I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that your request is not very clear.

Indeed, if you have made this drawing in solidworks you have all the desired dimensions: modulo the loss at the bend.
My colleagues will surely make a point about the very pinched area at the junction of the arc of the circle and the straight parts of the laser notching.

Kind regards

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Thank you for your answer,

I downloaded this pattern from GRABCAD, 

but I don't know the dimensions of the cut-out,

I think they are proportional to the tube size, 

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Hello @moubarakbsisa

If you have downloaded, you have to say what type of file if it is for example STEP:

1°) you just have to do a function recognition to have your model as if you had created it yourself in SW

2°) if not, you can find all the dimensions with the "measure"   function: Click on Tools ==> Evaluate ==> measure.   (when you open it, you will see what is the letter of the shortcut for this function. I simply have the letter M which means that as soon as I tap on the letter M, I have the combo box that opens to give the dimensions I want.

Kind regards


Thank you

I know very well the dimensions of this model,

but I want to know the equation or the relationship between these dimensions and the tube dimensions and their thickness, 

To apply this equation to any dimension (tube), 

Do you have an idea of this proportionality?




I suggest you watch my tutorial on the preparation of square tubes for laser tubes, because I think it meets your needs.



EDIT: After  the excellent tutorial of our eminent @ac cobra , it is difficult to do better because he makes the frame in its entirety and especially with a method that allows you to make any angle and not just 90°. In addition, his method of using sheet metal allows the frame  to be shaped for assembly and unfolded for manufacturing and the CNC laser program and for the MEP.

Brief! With humility I answer in another way.

I note that you have to extract the information from each post to be able to answer you. ;-)

The relationships are very simple but you have to be careful because the theoretical dimensions of the drawing may be undermined during the manufacture (see the games to be made). Just like with any sheet metal part, there are shrinkage in the bend and especially for the tubes a spring back effect, so it is better to plan for the possibility of having a tighter angle than necessary so  that the welder can adjust his four angles in one go. It is therefore necessary to plan two types of play: that of zone A and at the meeting of the two edges.

On my attachment you will find the explanations to answer your initial request. Of course there are relationships and they are very simple for those who know how to calculate an arc length (L = π D x  α angle at the center / 360°). Once you've done the math for the first tube, all you have to do is make a Block and move it wherever you want. Just make one block per type of tube and/or angle and you will save time and accuracy in repeatability.

1° on zone A you should have a distance of at least 0.5 between the radius of 32.5 mm and the straight line which is 50.91 mm in my example. For games on tube bends @ac cobra will surely be able to give you additional information but just take those of a sheet metal of the same thickness as the tube.

I have answered your initial  request but I cannot recommend enough the method described in the tutorial (best way) of @ac cobra    ;-)   ;-) ;-) while taking into account the games to be made to facilitate the work in the workshop. However, a mix of the two solutions must be interesting to look at  ;-)  ;-)

Kind regards

PS: the indentations (see the attached drawing) on your Grabcad model are useless! Which is very easy to prove with the deformation experiment or more scientific by doing  a PEF simulation under SW because the only case where it could possibly be justified would be for non-welded tubes and even then!



There is no attachment in your last answer,

Thank you


Remark Cancelled

Here is a piece that I made in 2016.
