More Displaying edges on mouse hover



Since this morning I have a small problem that I unfortunately can't solve.

Whether it's in a sketch, in a drawing, or even by hovering over a room with the mouse, I no longer have the highlight of it displayed.

(at least just a fraction of a second barely visible, then the stroke or edge is no longer highlighted)

This is however necessary to measure, or give dimensions to volumes, to parameterize a sketch in relation to an existing part, etc.

I restarted several times but it doesn't change anything...

So it's very complicated to be able to continue working like this.

It's as if the smile always flies over the void. (homris the slight blinking that is only done once)


Do you have any idea what I should do?


Thanks  in advance


PS: The problem has nothing to do with the fact that my piece here is made of glass, the others are the same.




Is this checked in Options -> View/Selection -> Dynamic Highlight of the Graphical View (Second Checkmark)


At home, this option unchecks itself randomly, so I made a macro that I put on a shortcut (Ctrl + D) to give me this option.


Thank you KVuilleumier,

This answer was exactly the right one, I guess the key combination was done by accident, or I had the same little random bug as you.

Now it works, but I wondered about the usefulness of this "deactivation" because once deactivated I could hardly do anything in fact ...

In short, here we go again.



This bug has been known to SW for years, but is still not fixed,

like other options that sometimes change in "system option"


after maybe SW says that the problem is with windows, and vice versa...