Multiple configuratiosn in the same drawing



I am asking you for a problem that I had never had until now. I make a plan of a room that contains 2 configurations. The differences between these 2 configurations are the length and diameter dimensions that change. These different lengths are in the custom properties of each config, and in sketches I use equations to assign values to the sides. For example, for the length, I put "=L" in the dim field.

In the 3D everything goes well if I rebuild the parts follow the dimensions indicated in their property but in the drawing, even if I choose the 2 different configurations, it always shows me the same size of part.


Who does anyone have an idea?


PS: We use SW2012 SP5.0 and EPDM 2012.


Thank you by acance,


Can you send the part and the drawing so I can see. I'm also under 2015 at home

Do you do the configs with the exel board or do you add a config to your room and modify the dimension? If you add make sure that you validate your rating for this config and not for all of them.

Hello Manu67,

Thank you for taking an interest in my souvis... Be careful, I work in 2012 and not 2015!


I attached the 3D file so you can see how it's done.


Kind regards


The part with the configs I just got are identical. See if you have that to validate the odds...


Indeed in all configurations, you will have this dimension which will be equal to LTOT. However, the value assigned to LTOT is different in each config via the custom properties of these configs.

See screenshot in PC.


At home it works, you just have to choose your config, you copy then you paste the view and you click on it to change the config there it should work. :-)


Have you been able to check it out?



Silly little question: but have you tried to reconstruct your drawing document? A stroke of CTRL+Q and it should do it.


Another question, how do you select your configuration on the drawing? You right-click on the chosen view => property =>"use the named configuration"=>ok? Or do you use another way?


I regularly do drawings with several configurations and I've never had this problem. It's all the more surprising that you say you have a functional 3D




In the 3D, I actually do a Q check to rebuild on each config, and in the 3D it follows. On the other hand, in the plan it doesn't work...


I have put the plan and its 3D in the archive in the PJ archive. Can you tell me if it works for you?


Thank you in advance.


Unfortunately, I have a version older than yours, so I wouldn't be able to check. But I'm sure others will be happy about it.


Another potential lead. Are all your parts in lightened or resolved? Because I know that sometimes I have to "solve" my assemblies so that certain modifications are taken into account in the MEP

I just tested with your layout and indeed its bug.

But I opened each config and played so that they changed and then the drawing followed. See P J


Well at home,

 it systematically shows me the last active configuration in the 3D even if I ask it for two different configurations. I wonder if there is not a bug related to the 2012 version.

On the other hand I just saw that if I add a function that is not active in the 2 configs, the drawing follows... Go figure.

Ah, the joys of computing. It's crazy. But hey, the main thing is that it works.

Hello everyone (or good evening),

Finally continuation and end of the problem: I don't have any additional functions to add from one configuration to another, so I just changed the order of some functions in the creation tree, by putting the machining of the splines at the end it solves the problem.


Thank you to everyone who tried to debug the thing with me!