Several drawings for a 3D

Hi all

Everything is said in the question: is it possible to make several drawings in the same 3D with configurations.

My situation: I made a design with a family of rooms because my object has several configurations. Now I'm moving on to the M.E.P. but during the configuration changes I noticed that the drawing, especially the dimensions, didn't follow that well... So I thought about another solution: in my family there are diameter ranges (my part = a tube) whose M.e.P. is the same except for the diameter that changes. So I decided to make M.E.P. configurations, i.e. for a range of values (6 items) there will be the same plan so it will be the associated configuration and with a table the value of the diameter will be indicated.
But I have a rather original problem. for 4/5 plans it works I have the configuration associated with the M.e.P but not for the last one. While the configuration is well linked, when I look in my family it's the right values etc but on the M.e.P. I get the "image" of another configuration.

I hope I was clear, thank you for your help.

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I feel a little ridiculous for asking the question... I thought I had checked everything but I just had to delete a geometric entity: a point, which hindered the activation of a configuration.

Sorry for the inconvenience


I had already posted a tutorial for this question and it seems to me that it was already for you too ;-)

So yes if it's more or less the same room, a painting should do the trick to me

For the record

@+ ;-)


gt22 already first problem when I go to Insert > Tables the Room Family option is grayed out in my case... Why do I always have this kind of problem...

In addition, I have already noticed that in SW, what is displayed on the screen during recording is very important  , for example: in the room family, if the workbook is closed on a different page than on the page where the family is located, the software does not find the data as if it were working only at the place viewed on the screen. So the problem with your solution is that I would have to close excel with the table in view (because I wouldn't want to file the whole table of my family) that I want to put in my M.e.P. but suddenly my part family will not be accessible when changing the configuration

I have the impression that we don't speak the same language both ;-)

Redo a complete view of the tutorial

You'll see that you don't have to have your table complete from your room family

As is the case with VIA EXCELL

since the side boxes have drop-down menu

so you will have in sight  only what you desire 

and the selection on your part will be identified in this drop-down menu

@+ ;-)


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Yes indeed I admit that I am not everything you say...
Ok for the drop-down menus but in my case it's not suitable. And when the table is inserted, there is a "resizing" of the excel window: when the person hides the rows and columns and minimizes the window then it shows that SW only takes into account what appears on the screen.

But above all the problem is that I don't have access to the family since the plan because it's greyed out

given your answer you didn't look at the tutorial completely

Take the time to look at it several times if you have to

your odds all have an A.B.C.D.E.F. index, etc.......

Each clue is linked to a box

which has a drop-down menu that stems from the different sides of your room family

you just have to link them and explain how to do it

then for your drawing the basis is the same for the whole family

and if you change in the table insert your drawing you can select your dimensions at will

(value of the A.B.C.D.E.F indices etc...

@+ ;-)

What will change your plan

GT22 Okay maybe I hadn't looked carefully enough and that sorted out some of my problems. 
But I think you didn't read my message carefully either when I say that I don't have access to my family of pieces to insert it, making the video method unusable as long as I can't insert the table of my family.

But I think you didn't read my message carefully either when I say that I don't have access to my family of pieces to insert it, making the video method unusable as long as I can't insert the table of my family.

why do you want to insert the table of your excell room family

since the table will be there but decrease in format (size on the screen)

with simply boxes to select via the drop-down lists depending on the reference of the dimensions

I don't know, I don't understand anything or what??????????????????

Once you have selected each value

The image of your part in the drawing changes visually

@+ ;-)

I think we don't visualize the same thing, nor the same solution:
I have 35 configurations, let's say the first 10 are parts with small diameters so they need pre-drilling, the next 15 are standard so nothing special and the last 10 have large diameters so need a kerf.

In the SW MP, when the view changes, the dimensions do not follow (they move in all directions) so one plan per configuration, we forget. So I would like to have ONE view linked to ONE configuration (created especially for the views of the M.e.P.) and use these views so the plan for several values. So the image of the plan will not exactly represent the room but the general idea. And so to still have the values of the chosen item I would like to insert the line of the part family indicating the dimensions of the part.

I must not be clear enough:)

As you say you're not very clear

I think we don't visualize the same thing, nor the same solution:

I have 35 configurations, let's say

The first 10 correspond to parts with small diameters

so they need a pre-drilling,

now you have 10 parts so it's going to work - family of parts n°1


The next 15 are standard so nothing special

there you have 15 pieces so it also  works family of room n°2


and the last 10 have large diameters so need a bleeding.

also part family n°3

In the SW MP, when the view changes, the dimensions do not follow (they move in all directions) so one plan per configuration, we forget. So I would like to have ONE view linked to ONE configuration (created especially for the views of the M.e.P.) and use these views so the plan for several values. So the image of the plan will not exactly represent the room but the general idea. And so to still have the values of the chosen item I would like to insert the line of the part family indicating the dimensions of the part.

The best I think is to go through 3 family rooms that have the same geometrical appearance

except that the mu odds and these odds are referenced via an index that A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H etc... which can be viewed via an image insertion

or direct on the part

and the coin no longer has a hooked side in your bet  since it is a reference 

 in the micro table with the values box on the drop-down list

Anyway, that's how I'll proceed after each one does as he wants

which of + is like each family has its own particularity

it should have a different name in my humble opinion


hard hard this Friday ;-)

Precisely I have everything in the same file because for a single article I already have 3 families of parts so if I divide respectively to the plans I need I would have 32 (±2 following if I separate all ^^) families of parts for 1 article while I still  have 65 waiting for ^^.
I'll have to make a decision, thank you.

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And do you think it's wise to have everything on the same file?

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Yes because it's the same part at the same stage of production "Roughened draft"  and for management concerns it's simpler because having 32 3D files for the same part is not easy to digest for a whole company.

EDIT: But my instinct as a curious student must also want to understand why this is not possible. Because a software of this "power" should allow, in my opinion, this kind of rather "banal" manipulation. Maybe it's not wise, but it doesn't explain why I can't insert my room family.

Ok a software of this power must be capable of it, but the day your file bugs at the wrong time, you put everything in the air!! moreover if you do assemblies afterwards, good luck because you will put two pieces and your computer will be saturated....


It's one way of doing things, I totally understand it, but from what I know it's not the best way. (that's my opinion)


Have a good weekend everyone!! :)


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Thank you for your advice but I also have to comply with the requirements of my management...

Have a good week:)