In the complete EPDM search, is it possible to search in several directories at the same time or else to put a wildcard (like * but * doesn't work, % doesn't work either) in the directory path (yellow line below)?
On the name of the EPDM file, digest the character * (red circle) well.
If this is not possible, it means that you are forced to search directory by directory (tedious) or at the level of the root directory (too many results found to be usable - > slow processing)
The problem is that I use the search to archive my files (initial import). If I select the root I have too many files returned and therefore the system is too slow/crashes.
But I have about 100 directories under the root so searching directory by directory to find 0 to 20 files each time is very painful.
If I manage to select several directories at the same time, I can manage to make the search return enough (but not too many) files to be able to archive it not too long.
Sorry for the original question, I don't know a solution if we limit ourselves to this problem.
But why don't you create a search map to find the extracted files, by yourself (although you may be the only one using EPDM for the moment) and created since such and such a date (to check if the date is indeed the date of the copy, I'm doing that from memory!).
Otherwise, there may be another trick, which may not suit you! Can't you put all the folders you work in in a root folder of type "In Progress". You could thus very easily identify the files processed, redo your links, and unlike a Windows tree, in the EPDM you can move your files as you want without breaking the SolidWorks links. This is a method that we had used with @flegendre to process our imported files before placing them in the right folders of our new tree structure.
I tried to look at the possibility of sorting out the date. No bowl EPDM only offers the date and not the time. Since I copied my 80GB on the same day, the search will return all the data. Otherwise it can work in a more classic case.
Our reseller advised us to put all the files in a single directory (so without any tree structure). This allows solidworks to easily recreate lost links (since it searches the same directory by default if it can't find the file). Personally, I'm not very keen on this because it would force me to: 1) copy the files directory by directory (I have 5765 directories and 79600 files) and 2) recreate my aribrorescence once the archiving is done. You might as well be able to make a flat copy it must not be too tedious via utilities/macros; I might as well recreate my tree of 5765 directories and subdirectories...... NB, we're drifting a bit from the subject here, I created another topic more suitable
There does not seem to be a direct solution to the problem as posed.
On the other hand, I found that a search via the search tool rather than via a search map is much faster/more responsive and allows you to do a direct archiving (via the menu I circled) without EPDM thinking about the selection (it still thinks about the archiving, that doesn't change...).
So it may allow you to select more files without crashing