Exploding file weight


I'm back to the charge with my file size problem. It's not a question of finding a trick to send a smaller file, but already of working on a smaller file. I'm on a VERY basic design of 20 functions (only extrusions and material removal, no smoothing or surface) which weighs a whopping 200 MB (see attached screenshot).

And again, it is the extraction of a fairly basic room configuration but which had 7 configurations and which weighed 1.2 GB !!! Needless to say, despite the 12 GB of memory, the SSD hard drive and the latest generation i7 processor, it crashes with each rebuild. So it's unsolvable for me, especially since even by deleting functions (not just deleted) or configurations, the file size increases !! I opted for the rebuilding of each piece, but this is unacceptable and incompatible with the deadlines I have.

Hence the return of my question: how do we know which function in the tree consumes megabytes and not just takes a long time to reconstruct with the statistical tool?

Thank you for your help.

PS: SW2013 SP0

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200 MB for 20 simple functions, it seems completely crazy to me!!


What I would do in your place is a complete uninstall of SolidWorks (complete option in the uninstall) then a reinstall and especially update to the latest SPs, currently 2013SP4.

There must be a problem with the installation or I don't understand, would it be possible for you to send us the file in question?


But maybe someone has another solution.





the complete reinstallation, why not, but I don't have access to the SP4, I'm no longer under maintenance. So thank you for the advice, but I have little hope and another solution would be welcome. I completely rebuilt the room I sent to the PC to see, starting from a blank room rather than one already built. Summary of the "statistics of the function":

Design 1 Extracted:

Functions 37, Volumes 2, Surfaces 0

Total Rebuild Time in Seconds: 0.38

0 Redone Design 2:

Functions 29, Volumes 2, Surfaces 0

Total Rebuild Time in Seconds: 0.28


screenshot in PJ, the result is strictly identical, just a few less functions to simplify.

It's already better, but the best is in the explorer:

Design 1: 195270 KB (and goes up to 324,000 KB while saving the file before returning to this value)

Design 2: 560 KB

It's worth all the winzips in the world.

I can still send the file, if only to see how it behaves under SW2013 SP4 (2.3 MB after a winzip hit)

At your disposal.

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Maybe there is an additional configuration hidden such as rendering settings (textures, etc...)

Or maybe a higher 3D quality (to look at in the options)

Sorry if my answers are unclear but I work on Creo and not on SW


in your functions and sketches

Is it that by all hassards you don't take reference

on elements that you suppress?


@+ ;-)



Apart from Coyote's, I don't see any other solution.

Working in a light assembly with 20 parts is ridiculous so there must be a big problem with the configuration so either you have to review everything from A to Z and hope to find the problem, or uninstall, a Revo Uninstaller to do it properly, then reinstall.


Good luck in any case...

If the file size is abnormally high, I strongly advise you to go to Tools, Option, Document Property, Image Quality and check that the shaded image quality slider is not in the red area... If this is the case, by decending it just before the area, the size of the file will decrease enormously.


From your SolidWorks part, go to "Tools" then "function statistics" (see attachment), this may give you an indication.




I got this pb with a size that was increasing steadily without modifying the file. You can try a right click under the configurations tab and "Eliminate redundancies", without certainty but that's what got me out of trouble...


Kind regards



Try to change your design method.

That is to say, don't work on material elements but try to make all your walls in the same sketch if you have the same elevation. 

Look at the image I attached, you will understand maybe.


And after his gives him.

Maybe its dimininurai the weight of your files

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Thank you all for your advice, unfortunately none of them work at this stage. Except maybe the uninstallation, but not tried yet.

- No use of deleted sketches

- The full stats of the room are in PJ, but do not reflect at all the actual time of reconstruction and recording of the room.

- The image quality is at a very low level (slider at 2, the red zone being at 18)

- I don't have the option "eliminate redundancies" in the configurations, is this a new feature of an SP >0 of V2013?

- I already use the same sketch with outline selection to make my different extrusions

- Unfortunately I am no longer under maintenance for budgetary reasons but above all for principle. Even Microsoft doesn't charge for its SPs... But this is not the time or place for such a debate, I'm not even sure that a newer SP would solve my problem.

Yours sincerely.



Don't try to uninstall solidworks , I assure you that it won't change anything, it will only be a waste of time for you.

if nothing has worked there is the Microsoft method:

The size of the files never decreases because a kind of "history" is saved in the Windows file, in short the only method to reset all this is to make a simple saved under of your file.

Basically, do the test with your file, you open it in solidworks, you make a file, saved as, you save it on your desktop for example and you look at the size: this is the minimum size that can make your file with all the info in it.

if the size is good you have your solution, if the file is still extremely heavy it's because the problem comes from a given inside the file ... I have already encountered this case with a display state that was "verolled"

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Your total rebuild time is 0.38 seconds

37 functions

2 volumes


Is it possible to post your file


Time-consuming functions may be your problem


_extru Thin 1 & 2

_les sketches 93,94,42,35,88,37



you should understand or see the why and how your tree of creation would surely give the walkthrough


@+ ;)

"Save As" tested, no improvement (-2 MB out of 195 MB). I give up, I'm going to start all over again from a blank file, it's "just" three days of extra work. I know some who will find it difficult to accept the reason for the delay, and rightly so.

Thank you for everyone's help, I'll leave the subject open if anyone brings another solution that works for my case, it will be useful for everyone.

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I think you can upload up to 200MB in link on Lynkoa, maybe it may be interesting to drop us the file you never know...

With the saved under the size not having decreased there is only an internal problem left in the file, to solve the problem and move forward in your problem the only solution will be to provide us with your file so that we can test further.

I remain convinced that the problem must come from a corrupted display state... possibly try to delete them all (from the configuration tree)

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Is your file recent or is it a copy of a copy of an old file?

(I'm leaning towards the second solution)


As far as I remember, the file keeps track of all the changes made to each file with no way to "purge" this history.


The only solution is to make a new file.



A little test to prove my words:

make a simple cube -> note the size of the file

Digging a hole -> the weight increases

remove the hole -> the weight increases even more


So here is a link to the compressed file including both the corrupted original and the rebuilt one that is no longer a problem.

I'm posting it on an external server so that I can delete it tonight, I have confidentiality clauses and don't want this file to be freely accessible for too long.


Thank you for your help

A small test performed on the original file:

Initial 200436 KB

with a small cube on it 202162 KB

after complete cube erasure (function and sketch) 202113 KB


What amazes me is that this file suddenly exploded, going from 55 MB to 1.2 GB from one design version to another (3 days of light work on the file) before "falling" back to 200 MB. Unfortunately, this file, I can't distribute it to see, this one contains everything and is therefore confidential. But it is from this master file that the one linked above is extracted, it is a configuration of the cleaned room.

Well, I'm afraid that Pascal's conclusion is the right one, I just have to start again...