Positioning one coordinate system in relation to another - Euler/ Gimbal angles


I'd like to position one coordinate system relative to another via Cardan angles (rotation around the x-axis , then rotation around the newly created y-axis , then around the newly created z-axis ).

CATIA offers the positioning of one coordinate system relative to another via Euler angles.

Can we choose the sequence of rotations we want for the angular parameterization of one coordinate system in relation to another? And if so, how?

For example, the Cardan angles :x,y,z. 

or another possibility in the rotations :z,y,x

Thank you for your help.

I'm still interested in your ideas on this post.

However, an idea that comes to me that seems pretty good to me is: to create a succession of parts (empty) with only landmarks to make the angular positioning I want.


The easiest way (in a CATPart) is to isolate the new coordinate system and position it via the compass.

See video:

In a CATProduct your solution to create empty parts and constrain them is correct, I still advise you to put a little geometry, draw lines or arc of a circle to locate the changes because in Catia you can't do much on the cosmetics of the marks so with 3 marks on the same origin it's quickly blurry to find it.



Great Franck.

Your answer suits me. 

Using 3D landmarks as you explained to me in a previous post, it should be good.

Thank you also for the video for the angular positioning between 2 markers.