Positioning one hole in relation to another

Hello forum!

In the hole positioning sketch, how can these holes be dimensioned in relation to the axis of holes that would have been made previously?

You can quote in relation to faces, but I can't get in relation to holes.

Thank you for  your help


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Why do 2x the work??? You make the sketch with Øs in it that you side as you want and then you do a removal of material... See PJ:



This can be done in different ways:

Either by clicking directly on the 3D model, the dimension will be automatically calculated in relation to it.

Or by using the construction lines to look for the center of the holes.

After that, there may be a volume on your part, in which case you should use a 3D sketch, or even edge projections.


Hello, all you have to do is make your sketch appear in which you made your  previous hole. You can then hold on to it when you position your piercing...


Like Azrod, you just have to click on the edge formed by the edge of the hole to dimension.

@Ac cobra: in general, if there's one who does this to me at the office, I make him eat his screen! If there is a piercing function, it's not to look pretty: it's automatically recognized for dimensioning and for making related repetitions.


For stefbeno:

it's true but you have a sketch in the tree and then drilling functions for each Ø while there you have a function for the whole.... It's a more readable creation tree when you have a lot of functions and moreover you name your function as you want so that you can get by...... And moreover everyone has their own way of  working, I propose but do not JUDGE how others work....

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This forum lacks smiley.

@Ac cobra, I don't want to offend you.
Nevertheless, I persist in saying that to make holes, the drilling function allows you to do almost what you describe automatically, with the advantages already  mentioned. For tree readability, I prefer to make function folders and shared sketches.
There are surely and certainly cases where your method would be more suitable.


And at the end, if you can't hook the axis of the hole when you click on its edge (see answer azrod), you can also make the temporary axes appear to be able to make a center distance as you wish.



I'm not offended but defend my point of view and my way of doing things as you defended. ;-) ;-) ;-) 


Hello and thank you all for your answers.

Indeed, by dimensioning, we hook the periphery of the hole, and there it dimensions directly in relation to the center.

Ac cobra, I am sometimes forced to build the different holes in successive stages, simply as in cases where I have tapped holes.

Fab Camp, I don't understand how, when you're in the sketch of building a hole, you can make another sketch appear and cling to it. I did notice that in the sketch, when I start dimensioning by selecting the first point, the construction tree scrolls down in the main window. You can click on the sketch of the hole in question, and it is displayed, but you cannot hang a dimension, The following error message is displayed: "A dimension could not be created from the selected objects".



There is also the solution of repetition driven by a sketch. All you need is a  sketch with dots and a dot = a drill. So it's very easy  to rate one point over another.

May the force be with you



Hello, personally, I first display the sketch of my function including the previous drilling.

I then do my other drilling either by the assistant or a simple removal of material...

But yes,  you have to display your sketch before doing your other function.

For the taps you don't need a forehole; When you use your function you select your face and place your tap and you dimension to position it... And to position your hole in relation to a sketch, just show it, see the links...


I am under sw 2015

Here is a piece for example.

may the force be with you.


edit: if in the sketch you add a dot it adds a hole automatically.

