Why does Catia only show the surface parts of my assembly


I was recently working on an assembly in Catia v5.

At some point, I opened my assembly in the wireframe and surface design workshop and then wanted to reopen  it in the assembly workshop, most of the parts no longer appeared on the screen.

I have the impression that only the surface parts are visible and not the others, even though they are present in the model tree.

Do you have a solution to display all the rooms again? I may have inadvertently checked a parameter, is it possible to reset the display to default in this case?

Thanks in advance 

Hello, are you in CATIAV5 3Dexperience ???  

Because in CATIA V5 you can't open an assembly (File.CATPoduct) in the Wireframe and surface design hitch because it's a Workbench Part not assembly it only works with the files. CATPart.

Hence my question, you are under 3D experience. (CATIA 3D experience does not have the . CATProduct) unlike V5.

If you put a screenshot of your graph it can help (under V5 tools tab there are the Hide / Show commands  ) by types / Body / geometric sets, etc.



Thank you for your answer.

No, I'm on Catia V5. I have the format. CATProduct.

I may have been wrong. I just had to open the Wireframe and surface design workshop without opening the assembly in it. However, since I did this, only the polygon parts show up in my assembly. 

Would there be a solution to this problem? In the tool tab I don't have what you mention, only Formula, Image, Macro, Utility, etc, ...

Hello, without a copy of the CATProduct graph, complicated there can be lots of reasons.

Loss of link, hidden parts, discharged, loss of representations etc, etc.

From your assembly, can you right-click on one of the parts that is not visible and open it in a new window, in this window the part and it is visible?.

Without seeing this assembly, it can take until you find the reason. 


Yes I can open all the parts in a new window however they are not visible afterwards, I just have their graph.

Here is a copy with developed in the graph a non-visible volume part and a visible surface part in the assembly.


OK I think CATIA has lost the representations? 

You're going to do a manip to check.

Close everything restart CATIA and only open your support part (NAUO52).

So I closed everything, restarted Catia and opened only the support piece but it gives me the same thing, it is not visible.

How to proceed next?


Well let's try a trick:

  1. You create a room, you can import a cube, a cylinder, you save.
  2. You open the assembly that installs PB.
  3. On a non-visible part you right-click / replace.
  4. You replace it with the piece you created.
  5. if you see the part you just created in the assembly there is a chance that the PB comes from lost representation.
  6. You right-click on the part / replace and you select the old part
  7. If it repairs it's the representations that are lost, the same will remain to be done
  8. for every room

What version of catia are you in, if it's not confidential, you can attach files under your answer

I just saw on your screenshot it may be simpler (we're always looking for complicated)

Disables the display only the running body.

Thank you very much, that was it! It's okay, everything is back to the right place thanks to you.

Sorry to have bothered you for so little, I don't know Catia well yet. Have a good day to you and thank you again.