Why does entity properties show me 2 different symbols: 1 is a tape measure and the other is the macro symbol?



You are on a self-help forum and not on a Mycad service after-sales service platform


Hello @Tous

In any case, in Mycad tools, there is apparently no how-to tool for the correct use of a forum.

While all forums around the world use

  1. A short but explicit title
  2. In the body of the text (which is not the title in case you don't understand) the problem and the avenues already explored without success.
  3. A polite formula at the beginning and end of the message.

Kind regards


Hi all

I apologize for me,

I'm not used to using forums, I usually find the solutions on my own.

and even before I had filled the body of the text with the polite formulas, I published this half of the solicitation. rookie mistake...

but I still thought I would find some mutual help and not be obliged to contact the after-sales service for a very small question...

Kind regards

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Which version of myCADtools are you using?
When using EntityProperties, only the "Tape measure" symbol should appear.
Since the latest 2020 version, it is no longer possible to generate multiple "EntityProperties" MacroFeatures, so you should only have one symbol.
If you encounter a technical problem with one of the myCADtools tools, I recommend that you create a ticket via the "Support" button on your myCADservices homepage. A very efficient team will be able to inform and help you.
But indeed you can also ask questions via the forum and members of the community, also very efficient, will probably be able to help you.
Good luck
Kind regards



and thank you Mr Savoyat, you reconcile me with this type of forum.

indeed I use myCADtools 2019 and following a packandgo the "tape measure" symbol is transformed into a "macro" symbol. And I have to edit the entityproperties function for each room so that the "tape measure" symbol is displayed again.

I will download myCADtools 2020

Best regards

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