Why are my bend lines of a sheet metal wrong when I create a DXF?

When I make a DXF file and I want to show the fold lines, I find myself having a missing line or bias lines that don't correspond to reality at all.

How to solve this problem?


Could you put us a printout screen or a room where the problem is so we can take a look?

here is my screen print, I did the same thing for the DXF export on my colleague's computer, it works perfectly


Have you attempted a repair of the software?

No, how do I do it?

Do you have to restart the installation?

We must do like these.


This may be due to the DXF export settings.

To do this, register under > Type: Dxf > options...  >

When you have opened your settings window, compare with your colleague with whom the export works.

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If it works on your colleague's computer, get its settings and restore them to your computer.

may the force be with you.


Can you send your file to be analyzed?


and selecting Face, Loop and Edges?