Solidworks display problem

Hi everyone
I'm coming to you today, because since last Friday, I have a problem with the display of assemblies and parts in 3D.
The images are more telling

If anyone has ever encountered a similar problem.
PS: nothing has been changed the problem of imposing it overnight.
Thank you for your answers and have a good day

Hello atelier.jurane,

Welcome to the community, hoping that can help you find a solution.

For my part, yes I sometimes get display errors. So first of all, you need to check if your graph is up to date. Then change the display of your assembly or part, i.e. put it in dotted line or other, and return to your choice of display.
Sometimes it works very well simply by playing with the display states.
Good luck @+.


Hello A.R and thank you for your welcome,
When you say "check if your graphics are up to date" if you are talking about the graphics card, it is.
Then I already tried to play with the dotted or line display and go back to the basic display and it didn't change anything, the only way to make it work is to restart SolidWorks or even the computer.

Try to see what happens by disabling " improved graphics performance".
Solidworks Menu/System Options/Performance:

Kind regards.


Hello Maclane,
This action seems to have worked, I am no longer in trouble.
If the problem ever comes back during the day I will report it here.
In the meantime thank you for your answers and your help

I prefer what our favorite Maclane offers.

Indeed, the improved graphics performance feature only works with the latest Nvidia cards that have the technology (memory hole).
If you enable what is intended for sophisticated card models, it makes the displays swarm.

This also applies to the automatic update of drivers or versions of certain utilities such as one from Microsoft. Everything related to SW, the rule is simple, we don't touch any drivers as long as it works.
The hotline was forced to find and put back an old version to make it work again.
This also applies to software other than SW.

Kind regards


This type of problem usually appears when the graphics card is not "compatible" with SolidWorks and indeed you have to disable the improved performance for it to work a little better.
To find out if your card is compatible try to activate the realview mode, if it is not available it means that the card is not "compatible", this is the case for the nvida RTX 2xxx, 3xxx or 4xxx and the GTX.
With a quadro no worries (K4xxx, A5000 etc...)