Problem with STEP files


Since then, when I open a STEP file in solidworks I can no longer modify it or even recover the parts of an assembly for example it blocks all the operations.

Is it me or the original file, I don't understand anymore?

Thank you for helping me.



First of all, first problem, I never saw the green arrow on the icons.

Eventually, can you share your step? But, normally, a step is just a description of the volumes.

Have you changed your version of SW recently?

Yes indeed the green arrow I have never seen it before, and no I have been on the 2018 version for 4 months.

I share the WWTP



It is likely that this only indicates that it is a WWTP part

I created a piece of sheet metal and converted them to WWTP and if I open it up it shows up with this green arrow. It is likely that this indicates that it is a volume element that cannot be transformed by SW since, unlike the imported part, there is no shape recognition.

We would have to transform everything with the features-works to have SW parts again.



SW 2018 contains the 3D Interconnect function to make it easier to integrate files in different formats into your CAD.

Try to disable it in "Options", "Import" and uncheck "Enable 3D Interconnect" See attachment.

Then open your step again.


thank you remrem the problem is solved :)

Great answer renrem :-) :-)

We had to find that one.

I didn't understand why features-works didn't work and why you couldn't open any rooms.

I thought the file was locked.

You won your day and all my consideration and on top of that you taught me a very important thing for those who import parts. :-)


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But you're welcome.

I just follow the new features of each new version carefully. I've been testing this one for a long time now. It is practical for importing commercial parts on which we do not need to make any changes or movements.