Problem with Presentation Sheets



I will come back with another question.


I made a plan with several views. I had presentation sheets on which I had isolated certain parts. Sheets that I was able to print several times, at various times of the design. I don't yet master all the subtleties of printing these sheets, but it worked.


Since yesterday, big problem, the "sheets" tabs still exist. I can still print them, as long as I don't touch them, but on each of these presentations, I no longer have access to the "frame" of the window, the drawing is still apparent, by clicking on it, I enter the drawing, I can change the scale, modify it, but all this inside a frame (which is drawn in bold) that I can no longer do travel while the trace of the sheet of paper to change places.

On the trail of this sheet of paper, I can insert a new window with the command of the same name, but it is superimposed on the drawing already existing on the sheet.


I realize that this is difficult to explain and I hope I have made myself understood.


Could an expert tell me the wrong maneuver I had to make and the solution to get out of the problem?


Thanks in advance


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Does double-clicking outside the frame solve the problem? Otherwise there is the padlock in the right panel which can be on "yes" or "no".


Either there must be a lock somewhere, as Lucas Prieur says

Or a selection filter problem

Or maybe you need the editing story the basemap or sheet (right click on the sheet/ edit the basemap or the sheet)



To answer Lucas:

If, on the presentation sheet, I double click outside the drawing area, I find myself on the general sheet, with the possibility of zooming in or out. That's how I can find the (white) trace of the sheet of paper; But there is no trace of the window that I could for example move to reposition it on the sheet of paper.

In addition, if I double click with the wheel, I position myself on the drawing area and no longer on the trace of the sheet. There, by clicking on the drawing, I see the thick black outline reappear and I am again directly in the plane.

On the properties panel, the display is not locked.


To answer Tomalan:

Nothing is shown as selected in the properties panel. And by the way, unless I enter the drawing by double-clicking on the drawing, I can't select anything, neither with the mouse nor with the smart filter.

I don't see what editing the basemap is, unless it's happening in the print configuration manager. And now I can't see anything and I tried to modify what was accessible without result.


I'm attaching a screen to maybe give more info





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It looks like a graphical problem!

Is this the latest version of DraftSight?

Are the graphics card drivers up to date?

Can we have the file to test?



I hadn't seen Lucas' suggestion.


I don't believe it's a graphics card problem, because I have the same problem with two different computers for the same document, and no problem when I open a new document.


I am attaching the file.


Thanks in advance




? No one can find an effective advice to help me, even with the attached file?




Your presentation windows are in layer 0, which is frozen. Just thaw this layer to see the outline of the windows again.

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Thank you Brice,

It is probably by moving from one computer to another, with the folder on a USB key, that the windows have been modified or the layers have changed.

Thank you