Problem with constraint references

Hello everyone,

Small problem with the constraint references. When I insert my part, it finds me the references and puts the part as I would like but as soon as I click, the constraints don't set and the part is free.

Does anyone have a solution? 

Thanks in advance


You have to look at whether your constraints are single or multiple.

But above all, it is imperative that both components must have the same type of constraint, the same name and the same number of entities for constraint refs. (same number means same number of constraints, for example two or three, it's not the same.

Also be careful if you have configurations

Can you give us an example of your constraints that are going to hell?

Kind regards

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Attached is a file that summarizes my problem

I have several stress references on my part.

in reality I have several configurations

On some configs, my part can be put as I want by positioning itself with the matching constraint refs

but on some configuration, it doesn't want to get started or it takes the "rolling" constraint refs that I use for another part

Hello @dmano

I looked at your smart mates and I think you're making a mistake in use.

I'll explain that in a few minutes.


Hello again @dmano

I find several inconsistencies in your assembly, which is nevertheless very simple.

First of all, there is smart-mate and smart-mate, in other words, there are two possibilities to use automatic constraints.

The simplest way without having created constraint references is to select a face and then press ALT and bring this face closer to another face.

The other "the real one" cannot succeed totally  as you have done it.

  1. The two pieces to be assembled have the same name. This is not good, because a stomach cannot so digest itself. To be checked but normally the parts should not have the same name if you don't want there to be ambiguity (otherwise there is no mistakes). In your case, the assembly will still be done but it can be done on one side or the other depending on how you present the piece. One time it will be on one side and another time on the other.
  2.  Your stress references  (bearings) are planes (which are in the middle of the part, it's not a problem in itself, except that in your case part A and B will be strictly superimposed depending on how the person will present the part in SW. This is not possible in real life. This constraint can be used elsewhere, of course, but it is dangerous for the assembly as you posted your assembly.
  3. If you want to have no assembly errors: It is better to have parts with different  names (a screw and a bolt), you have stress references with the same name but which are not located on the same face. You have to select it or IF YOU HAVE THE SAME NAME specify it well  in opposition will prevent the piece from being on the wrong side. The same goes for your bearing constraint.

What you need to remember is that as soon as you have a constraint reference, SW will try to assemble your two parts as best as possible. The way you did it leaves two ambiguities for the person or macro who will do the stitching. Although your reference constraints are rigorous to properly constrain the part (such as the bearing stress), it can be ambiguous and lead to serious errors for the production.

In your case, you have two potential mistakes out of three possibilities. Including a prohibitive one.

I suggest you watch again the video of our friend @ M Savoyat (and nevertheless colleague)  who offered us an excellent tutorial

For the configurations I let my little friends help you because I never use them. But whatever the use , it is surely necessary to remove the ambiguities because otherwise the simplifying aid that the constraint reference constitutes risks turning against its creator.

This becomes dreadful if you work with others or on the day when you will be distracted for some reason.

Kind regards



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Hello @dmano

I just realized (with unfeigned horror) that I didn't answer your question at the beginning.

[[ it finds me the references and puts the part as I would like but as soon as I click, the constraints are not put and the part is free. ]]

In your assembly I don't have the problem at all in the 2019 version.

You have to position the part well until the appearance of the cursor changes (different depending on the constraint you have placed) and only then do you have to let go of the mouse button .

In your case you need to have the cursor that has TWO parallel planes superimposed vertically in blue gray with two arrows that are: either in the same  direction or in the opposite direction.


well on the 2017 with the part sent everything works as I want too!

it's on my piece which is much heavier that it doesn't work I don't know why

In fact we are obliged to have the configurations, our whole design method is based on them, it would call into question all our parts that we have been designing since we have been working on solidwors (a good ten years).

What I don't understand is that everything works as I would like on all my configs except one and I don't see what's there

if all your configs work except 1

it's that you have a problem with the one that doesn't work

@ you to understand why

Open your config and check everything

the name  of the room

The refs of the constraints

The names of the constraints

see if there is not a constraint ref missing etc...

@+ ;-)

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Bonr @dmano

You should have told us that the posted ASM worked, it would have avoided trying to understand why it didn't work properly. In addition, the posted model has no configuration in the sense of SW

Try to take my remarks into account for any new parts with this type of constraint: this will save you a lot of mistakes. As mentioned before, for me your constraints are not totally correct.

Kind regards

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