Problem with the unitless relative measurement tool

Hello to you,


I'm coming to you because I've been having a problem with my Catia V5R23 for some time. I don't know why but when I use the relative measure tool the X, Y and Z components are given without units instead of mm (see image) which breaks me problem when I make optimizations for example.

How would you be able to make the millimeters reappear on the components?


Thanks in advance:)



If you have backed up your CATSetings try to restore them.

Another difference you don't have a limit after the decimal point?

I can't do a test (locked admin)


First of all, thank you for your answer.

I don't master the management of CATSettings, especially catering. How can I restore them?

On the other hand, my problem of units not displayed is not present on my classmates' computer. Maybe I can copy their options, right?

As for the decimals after the decimal point, I have the same options as you.

For CATsettings (it will depend if they are managed by an administrator) this is my case.

If not managed normally they should be located under:



Before deleting make a copy of the "CATSettings - copy" folder.

Then you open the CATSettings folder and you delete all jumps on (Licensing.CATSettings)

This will save you from having to select a license when CATIA launches.

At the next launch, CATIA will recreate the CATsettings as you go.

You will end up with CATIA by default (without your customizations).

If this corrects the PB, you can possibly do the same thing again but by copying those of one of your colleagues.

If this doesn't resolve you can go back by destroying the folder and renaming 

"CATSettings - copy" to  "CATSettings"

Edit: You can also proceed from the options, the button on the right is used to save a copy, the framed one to be handed over by default.

As I told you, it all depends on the level of administration.

I tried following the steps you gave me but unfortunately it doesn't work. I haven't tried yet by taking my friends' catsettings but I'll try tomorrow during the day:)

I'll keep you informed anyway.