Problem with my STEP and STL file

Hi everyone

I hope you are all well;

I have a problem with one of my files, I want to 3D print this file but when I export it in STEP or STL I have missing parts and those differently depending on the type of file I export while my design on SolidWorks is complete.

Does anyone have the solution to this problem please? 

Yours sincerely 


Do you have all your parts in volume?

Thank you everything is fine, it's almost the holidays

Hello again, 

Yes I have all my parts are in volume

Here is the attached document that causes me problems 

Yes indeed soon the holidays:)


Strange I just looked at your part and at the level of the  threads I can see through, to control here it comes from there or just graphic bug. Yet in cup the room is full.

The bottom one we can see through transparency, do you have the same thing?



I entered the function of one of the threads and re-validated it and there it works "graphically", for the others I did a complete reconstruction. (ALT+Q for me)

Here is the STL file obtained as an attachment.

EDIT:So I just re-opened the STL under SW and the part is 100% volumetric. 



indeed I think the problem came from the threads.

Thank you