Problem with Pro engineer



I am writing to you because I have a problem, one of my suppliers sent me a CAD file of a part made with solidworks.

I use Pro Engineer.

Let me explain the problem.

When I open the part file, I am just an envelope of the part, I am not a volume. I tried several .stp and . IGS but nothing helps. 


I tried with Catia and I get a solid in the same files.


If anyone has the solution.


Thank you in advance


Kind regards  


Can you post your piece that I'm looking at with Creo?

Or see with your supplier to send it back in STEP Solid for example

Would you have on your part for example a countersink tangent to one face or something like that.


Look at the image I attach, the countersink becomes tangential to another surface.


SW does not tolerate this kind of geometry in import and sometimes passes it in surface.


Can you attach your file? Or at least an image?


I can't post the piece to you because it's confidential.

If not, can you tell me what to do?

Otherwise for my supplier I had him on the phone for a long time and he didn't want to send a solid WWTP

He does a "save as" and he checks the "solid" option


What you should do is have the file you have opened by your provider. If it happens, it will also end up with surfaces

My supplier has already checked this option and it doesn't work

Here's an image of what the room looks like




See this question:


My answer:



The surface must be closed, then sew and check the option to form a volume:


Or use the fill function:


Otherwise, there is no need to thicken or fill the surface to make the cutouts


It is possible to make cuts in surfaces with the "restrict surfaces" function from a sketch or a plane:


Or Coyote's:


You have the interior and exterior surfaces so no need to thicken.


To achieve this, several key steps:


  • Diagnose the surface import to correct slight surface continuity defects.
  • Put the option to have the "open" edges of the surfaces in another color to see the areas to be corrected (here in your case: see image in next post)
  • Cut the parts in symmetry
  • shift the surfaces to be corrected (exterior and interior) to 0 and sew them back together with a slightly larger tolerance (0.01 in my case)
  • Replacing old surfaces with new ones
  • Create the Flat Surface at Symmetry
  • Create the filled surface at the bottom
  • sew up and you get to a volume.

Thank you for your answer 

Lucas P, my supplier is on solidworks, I am on Pro Engineer. 

Is the solution you describe applicable to Pro engineer


Indeed, it's for SolidWorks, sorry I didn't understand the question!


For Creo see this video:


Otherwise, see these links:

What should be understood is why the piece starts from SW as a solid and arrives as a surface on Pro-E!

To advance the schmilblick, if on Catia you get a volume, re-register it in STEP from Catia, to open this new file on Pro-E.


If it works, it's the SW > Pro-E switch that is the problem


If it doesn't change anything, it will certainly come from a geometry poorly managed by Pro-E or an option.



On SW, you can make a diagnosis of the imported volumes, which in some cases recreates a volume from a surface during the repair, on Pro-E there is no such tool?

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I've already re-registered on catia and it doesn't change anything.

if there is a software integrated into Pro Engineer called Import Data doctor but as soon as I launch it Pro Engineer cuts directly as if it is bellowing due to too many errors.

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@Tomalam, you who navigate between the 2 softwares, there is not a "Import Diagnostic" tool?


Edit I note: Import Data doctor!


No Benoit, I don't work with SW anymore!

I'm trying to make a synthesis:


  1. You start from a room with the "SLPPRT" extension, which is a priori volume
  2. you import it into ProE (with what method?), you get a surface model
  3. You tell us that you tried STP and IGS (how did they generate? CATIA export that manages to make a volume?)
  4. Which version of SW does your supplier work  on?
  5. Under SW2014, you can export directly to Creo format (see attached the formats exportable from SW) (I have Creo on the same machine as SW, it may influence).


 Hello stefbeno


So my supplier sent me a part made by him since SW 2014 in different format:


- .prt


- .igs


As I open it up with Pro Eng Wildfire 5, instead of getting a volume I get an envelope of the part.

I contacted him, he had forgotten to convert them into volume.


Following this, he sent me back the file of the piece in all the formats described above.

I opened them and the same problem occurred.


Then I opened them with Catia V5R19 and I got a lot of volumes.


I re-recorded them from Catia. Nothing has changed. I always get only surfaces.


Here's the problem 




Have you tried opening other imported parts?

If it happens you have a Pro-E option that opens up surface imports

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Have you tried to open it on the workstation of a colleague who has a different configuration than yours?


Do you often open rooms of this type without problems?


Edit: we're in tune with @Tomalam!