Problem with Pro engineer

+1 with Benoit.LF and Tomalam


Do you know how to model the part in SW?

Are there any imported areas?

All the WWTPs that have been sent to us have never had a problem.

We tried on four different computers that did not have the same parameters.

No, I don't know how the part is modeled under SW14 


So incompatibility of a geometry with Pro-E!


As you have it in Catia, cut it up and save it in several pieces. Try to open the resulting pieces to identify which "piece" the problem comes from. It may take a long time, but you'll know!

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A geometric incompatibility I don't think exists with a STEP or IGES.


At the conversion, as indicated at the beginning of this topic, SW cannot process some particular geometries from WWTP or other. Maybe Pro-E has its little weaknesses too! No?

Yes, there are sometimes import errors but to modify the part on your own is still worrying!

Yes it's on that sucks

Thank you very much from everyone for your help. I'm going to manage as best I can.

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No problem, that's what we're here for, keep us informed, it's always interesting to have this kind of feedback!


Good luck.

Maybe not incompatible but a difference in the interpretive treatment of the step or the iges.



Let's not forget that SW and Catia are Dassault software, it is possible that if SW makes a "mistake" in the generation of the STEP/IGES (which now seems to me the most likely), Catia will correct it (reverse error) but not ProE.



If possible, ask your supplier for a parasolid or a sat (to change the method of describing entities).



@clement.servien has obviously tried 4 different formats (SLDPRT, prt, stp and igs)! The next 2 have every chance of having the same result. Hence my point to say that it is a geometry poorly or not supported by Pro-E.


And certainly for a small thing, a detail without interest but which ruins the area on any !! :)


As for the Catia/SolidWorks conversion to STEP or others, it's not easy that it's the same modules even if they come from the same group. No?



Probably indeed, but these are different methods of coding entities, it can be enough and it would be a shame to miss it.



I may be a little late but you never know. Isn't there an option in pro-e that handles the tolerance interval to merge 2 adjacent points or curves? Search with the keyword "merge" probably.


Let me explain. On complex shapes, it can happen during conversion that a single curve is converted into 2 tangent curves. Visually it's almost impossible to see. But if these curves are not merged again during import, then the stroke is considered open and volume creation fails.

I already had the case on Catia and by changing the tolerance from 0.001 to 0.005 it solved the problem.


If you find the option in question, it may be worth comparing with the Catia parameter (in option\general\compatibility and then the tab of the format concerned).




Sorry for not answering before, I found the problem.

I cut the part into lots of pieces until I found the problem.

It was grooves that caused the problem

I created an envelope and was able to solidify it under Pro Engineer.


Thank you all for your help.

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Could you put a view of the groove that was causing you concern? That it can be useful to others!


Thank you in advance and see you soon.